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JabRef - General information

JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager based on the BibTeX-format (like PUMA). Starting with version 2.4b1, JabRef can be extended using a plugin system based on the Java Plugin Framework (JPF). We have now built a PUMA plugin for JabRef that allows a user to directly access their publications from PUMA.
This plugin enables you to:

  • Fetch publication entries directly from PUMA,
  • Upload publications into your personal account on PUMA,
  • Delete entries from your collection.

For example, you can do the following:

  • Download your complete PUMA collection into JabRef, use its built-in bibtex-key generator to unify the bibtex keys of your publicatons, and upload all entries again.
  • Download your complete PUMA collection into JabRef, perform integrity checks on it (missing fields, etc), and upload all entries again.
  • Use JabRef's web search facility to import entries (e.g, from PubMed), edit them locally to your needs, and bulk-upload them to PUMA.

All of the above integrates seamlessly into the usual workflow of JabRef

  • this means you don't have to visit the PUMA web interface during the whole process.