
Bibliography Export - program specific

In this section you learn how to export data from PUMA to commonly used software.

Microsoft Word

  1. First, click on the arrow symbol on the very right of the clipboard - a sub-menu appears.

  2. Under "export", select the option "more ...".

  3. A page with all available export formats is displayed. Select the number of posts you want to export and then "MSOffice XML". Then save this file on your hard disk.


  4. In Microsoft Word, you can import this file by clicking on "References" and then on "Manage Sources". In the dialogue you can click on the "Browse..." button and load the saved file from step 3.




  1. Export your data from PUMA as BibTeX file with the extension .bib or .txt.

  2. Start Bibliographix. Click on the tab "mehr...", then on "Daten austauschen".


  3. In the left menu, choose the option "Import“ and then click on "auswählen“ to select your saved file with the extension .txt oder .bib.

  4. Finally, click on "Import!"


Click here to go back to beginner's area and learn more about the basic functions.