S. Khorandi, S. Ghiasvand, and M. Sharifi. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID), page 992--999. Madrid, Spain, IEEE, (May 2017)
S. Ghiasvand, and F. Ciorba. Proceedings of WiP in 25th EUROMICRO International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 1, page 5--6. St. Petersburg, Russia, SEA-Publications-Austria, (March 2017)
S. Ghiasvand, and F. Ciorba. Proceedings of the 2018 Future of Information and Communications Conference (FICC), 1, page 440--447. Singapore, Springer, (April 2018)
S. Ghiasvand, F. Ciorba, R. Tschuter, and W. Nagel. Proceedings of the 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP), page 377--381. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, IEEE, (February 2016)
S. Ghiasvand, F. Ciorba, and W. Nagel. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, (November 2016)