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Netrank: network-based approach for biomarker discovery, , , , , , und . BMC bioinformatics, (29.07.2023)Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s)..The BOD1L subunit of the mammalian SETD1A complex sustains the expression of DNA damage repair genes despite restraining H3K4 trimethylation, , , , , , , , , und 5 andere Autor(en). (April 2023)Is Protein BLAST a thing of the past?, , und . Nature communications, (11.12.2023)Deep learning improves pancreatic cancer diagnosis using RNA-based variants, , , , , , , , , und 4 andere Autor(en). Cancers (Basel), 13 (11): 2654 (Mai 2021)Word-based GWAS harnesses the rich potential of genomic data for E. coli quinolone resistance, , , und . Frontiers in microbiology, (2023)Copyright © 2023 Malekian, Sainath, Al-Fatlawi and Schroeder..A genome-wide scan of wastewater E. coli for genes under positive selection: focusing on mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, , , , und . Scientific Reports, (Mai 2022)Decomposing compounds enables reconstruction of interaction fingerprints for structure-based drug screening, , , und . Journal of Cheminformatics, (März 2022)NetRank Recovers Known Cancer Hallmark Genes as Universal Biomarker Signature for Cancer Outcome Prediction, , , , und . Frontiers in Bioinformatics, (März 2022)The Rad52 SSAP superfamily and new insight into homologous recombination, , und . Communications biology, (23.01.2023)Funding Information: We gratefully acknowledge support from ZIH of TU Dresden and the BMBF Project secondary structure and remote homology detection, , , und . bioRxiv, (2024)