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BioDeepfuse: a hybrid deep learning approach with integrated feature extraction techniques for enhanced non-coding RNA classification, , , , , , , , und . RNA Biology, 21 (1): 410–421 (März 2024)MuDoGeR: Multi-Domain Genome recovery from metagenomes made easy, , , , , , , , , und 1 andere Autor(en). Molecular Ecology Resources, 24 (2): e13904 (2024)Democratising Artificial Intelligence for Pandemic Preparedness and Global Governance in Latin American and Caribbean Countries, , , , , , , , , und 9 andere Autor(en). (2024)The AnimalAssociatedMetagenomeDB reveals a bias towards livestock and developed countries and blind spots in functional-potential studies of animal-associated microbiomes, , , , , , , , , und 3 andere Autor(en). Animal Microbiome, (Oktober 2023)PredicTF: a tool to predict bacterial transcription factors in complex microbial communities, , , , , und . (Januar 2021)Information theory for biological sequence classification: a novel feature extraction technique based on Tsallis entropy, , , , , , und . Entropy, 24 (10): 1398 (2022)StandEnA: a customizable workflow for standardized annotation and generating a presence–absence matrix of proteins, , , , , und . Bioinformatics Advances, (Januar 2023)MarineMetagenomeDB: a public repository for curated and standardized metadata for marine metagenomes, , , , , , , , , und 3 andere Autor(en). Environ. Microbiome, 17 (1): 57 (November 2022)StandEnA: a customizable workflow for standardized annotation and generating a presence--absence matrix of proteins, , , , , und . Bioinformatics Advances, 3 (1): vbad069 (2023)BioAutoML: automated feature engineering and metalearning to predict noncoding RNAs in bacteria, , , , , , und . Briefings in Bioinformatics, (Juni 2022)