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Computational identification of HCV neutralizing antibodies with a common HCDR3 disulfide bond motif in the antibody repertoires of infected individuals

, , , , , , , , , , , , und . Nat. Commun., 13 (1): 3178 (Juni 2022)

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Martin Potthast

Zero-shot Generative Large Language Models for Systematic Review Screening Automation, , , , , und . Advances in Information Retrieval. 46th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2024), Volume 14608 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 403--420. Berlin Heidelberg New York, Springer, (März 2024)
Zero-shot Generative Large Language Models for Systematic Review Screening Automation, , , , , und . Advances in Information Retrieval. 46th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2024), Volume 14608 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 403--420. Berlin Heidelberg New York, Springer, (März 2024)Identifying queries in instant search logs, , , , und . Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, New York, NY, USA, ACM, (Juli 2021)28. September - 2. Oktober 2020, , , , , , und . Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (2021)

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