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Principles of Alternating Access in LeuT-fold Transporters: Commonalities and Divergences, , and . (May 2022)Approximating conformational Boltzmann distributions with AlphaFold2 predictions, , , and . (August 2023)Integrated AlphaFold2 and DEER investigation of the conformational dynamics of a pH-dependent APC antiporter, , , , , and . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (August 2022)Methodology for rigorous modeling of protein conformational changes by Rosetta using DEER distance restraints, , , and . PLoS Comput. Biol., 17 (6): e1009107 (June 2021)Template-free prediction of a new monotopic membrane protein fold and oligomeric assembly by Alphafold2, , , , , and . (July 2022)Sampling the conformational landscapes of transporters and receptors with AlphaFold2, , , and . (November 2021)Approximating Projections of Conformational Boltzmann Distributions with AlphaFold2 Predictions: Opportunities and Limitations, , , and . Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 20 (3): 1434–1447 (January 2024)Template-free prediction of a new monotopic membrane protein fold and assembly by AlphaFold2, , , , , and . Biophysical Journal, 122 (11): 2041–2052 (June 2023)Sampling alternative conformational states of transporters and receptors with AlphaFold2, , , and . eLife, (March 2022)Modeling of protein conformational changes with Rosetta guided by limited experimental data, , , and . Structure, 30 (8): 1157--1168.e3 (August 2022)