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Weighted abstract Dialectical Frameworks, , , and . Proc. Conf. AAAI Artif. Intell., (April 2018)Principles and their computational consequences for argumentation frameworks with collective attacks, , , and . J. Artif. Intell. Res., (January 2024)Redefining ABA+ semantics via abstract set-to-set attacks, , , , , and . Proc. Conf. AAAI Artif. Intell., 38 (9): 10493--10500 (March 2024)Weighted abstract Dialectical Frameworks: Extended and revised report, , , , and . (2018)Multi-valued GRAPPA, , and . Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Springer International Publishing, Cham, (2019)Recursion in abstract argumentation is hard --- on the complexity of semantics based on weak admissibility, , and . Proc. Conf. AAAI Artif. Intell., 35 (7): 6288--6295 (May 2021)Recursion in abstract argumentation is hard --- on the complexity of semantics based on weak admissibility, , and . J. Artif. Intell. Res., (July 2022)Rediscovering argumentation principles utilizing Collective Attacks, , , and . (2022)Interview with Gerhard brewka, , and . KI - Künstl. Intell., 32 (2-3): 219--221 (August 2018)Sets Attacking Sets in Abstract Argumentation, , , , , and . (2023)