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Uncertainty-aware Evaluation of Machine Learning Performance in binary Classification Tasks, , , and . (May 2022)A workflow to systematically design uncertainty-aware visual analytics applications, , , , and . The Visual Computer, (Jun 7, 2024)Uncertainty-aware Visual Analytics - Scope, Oppertunities and Challenges, , , and . The Visual Computer, (December 2023)Visualization in the Wild, , and . IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., 43 (6): 46--49 (November 2023)Stroke-GFCN: ischemic stroke lesion prediction with a fully convolutional graph network, , , , and . J. Med. Imaging (Bellingham), 10 (4): 044502 (July 2023)Understanding Graph Convolutional Networks to detect Brain Lesions from Stroke, , and . (2022)A taxonomy of uncertainty events in visual analytics, , , , and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, (2023)Interactive Visualization in Applications, , and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 44 (1): 10-12 (January 2024)Uncertainty in humanities network visualization, , , , , , , , , and 10 other author(s). Frontiers in Communication, (2024)Special Issue on Visualization in Manufacturing, , and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 42 (2): 8-9 (March 2022)