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Blending Physical and Virtual Mobility in Higher Education

, , , and . Communities in New Media. Inclusive digital: Forming Community in an Open Way Self-determined Participation in the Digital Transformation, 26, page 329--334. (2024)26th annual conference of Communities in New Media 2023 : Inclusive Digital: Forming Community in an Open Way - Self-determined participation in the digital transformation, GeNeMe 2023 ; Conference date: 13-09-2023 Through 15-09-2023.

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Blending Physical and Virtual Mobility in Higher Education, , , and . Communities in New Media. Inclusive digital: Forming Community in an Open Way Self-determined Participation in the Digital Transformation, 26, page 329--334. (2024)26th annual conference of Communities in New Media 2023 : Inclusive Digital: Forming Community in an Open Way - Self-determined participation in the digital transformation, GeNeMe 2023 ; Conference date: 13-09-2023 Through 15-09-2023.