
Mariana Madruga de Brito, Jan Sodoge, Zora Reckhaus, Miguel Mahecha, und Christian Kuhlicke. Analyzing impact cascades: an integrative approach for assessing the interconnected effects of extreme events across sectors and systems. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1496, April 2024. [PUMA: Yaff imported]

Gabriela Araujo-Pardo, Marston Conder, Natalia García-Colín, György Kiss, und Dimitri Leemans. A note on girth-diameter cages. 2024. [PUMA: Yaff imported] URL

Nicolas-Domenic Reiter, Jonas Wahl, Gabriele C. Hegerl, und Jakob Runge. Asymptotic Uncertainty in the Estimation of Frequency Domain Causal Effects for Linear Processes. 2024. [PUMA: Yaff imported] URL

Michael Faerber, David Lamprecht, und Yuni Susanti. AutoRDF2GML: Facilitating RDF Integration in Graph Machine Learning. In Gianluca Demartini, Katja Hose, Maribel Acosta, Matteo Palmonari, Gong Cheng, Hala Skaf-Molli, Nicolas Ferranti, Daniel Hernández, und Aidan Hogan (Hrsg.), The Semantic Web -- ISWC 2024, 115--133, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2025. [PUMA: Yaff imported]

Jens Lehmann, Dhananjay Bhandiwad, Preetam Gattogi, und Sahar Vahdati. Beyond Boundaries: A Human-like Approach for Question Answering over Structured and Unstructured Information Sources. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (12):786--802, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2024. [PUMA: Yaff imported] URL

Greg Eisenhauer, Norbert Podhorszki, Ana Gainaru, Scott Klasky, Philip E. Davis, Manish Parashar, Matthew Wolf, Eric Suchtya, Erick Fredj, Vicente Bolea, Franz Pöschel, Klaus Steiniger, Michael Bussmann, Richard Pausch, und Sunita Chandrasekaran. Streaming Data in HPC Workflows Using ADIOS. 2024. [PUMA: Zno imported] URL

Jeremy J. Williams, Daniel Medeiros, Stefan Costea, David Tskhakaya, Franz Poeschel, René Widera, Axel Huebl, Scott Klasky, Norbert Podhorszki, Leon Kos, Ales Podolnik, Jakub Hromadka, Tapish Narwal, Klaus Steiniger, Michael Bussmann, Erwin Laure, und Stefano Markidis. Enabling High- Throughput Parallel I/O in Particle-in-Cell Monte Carlo Simulations with openPMD and Darshan I/O Monitoring. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops (CLUSTER Workshops), 86-95, September 2024. [PUMA: Zno imported]

Anshu Ankolekar, Sebastian Boie, Maryam Abdollahyan, Emanuela Gadaleta, Seyed Alireza Hasheminasab, Guang Yang, Charles Beauville, Nikolaos Dikaios, George Anthony Kastis, Michael Bussmann, Sara Khalid, Hagen Kruger, Philippe Lambin, und Giorgos Papanastasiou. Advancing oncology with federated learning: transcending boundaries in breast, lung, and prostate cancer. A systematic review. 2024. [PUMA: Zno imported] URL

Dieter Weber, Simeon Ehrig, Andreas Schropp, Alexander Clausen, Silvio Achilles, Nico Hoffmann, Michael Bussmann, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski, und Christian G Schroer. Live Iterative Ptychography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, (30)1:103–117, Oxford University Press (OUP), Februar 2024. [PUMA: Iterative Live Ptychography Zno imported] URL

Beth Russell, Katharina Beyer, Ailbhe Lawlor, Monique J. Roobol, Lionne D.F. Venderbos, Sebastiaan Remmers, Erik Briers, Sara J. MacLennan, Steven MacLennan, Muhammad Imran Omar, Mieke Van Hemelrijck, Emma Smith, James N’Dow, Karin Plass, Maria Ribal, Nicolas Mottet, Robert Shepherd, Tom Abbott, Ken Mastris, Lisa Moris, Michael Lardas, Thomas Van den Broeck, Peter-Paul Willemse, Nicola Fossati, Karl Pang, Riccardo Campi, Isabella Greco, Mauro Gacci, Sergio Serni, Anders Bjartell, Ragnar Lonnerbro, Alberto Briganti, Daniele Crosti, Roberto Garzonio, Giorgio Gandaglia, Martina Faticoni, Grant office, Chris Bangma, Maria Jongerden, Derya Tilki, Anssi Auvinen, Teemu Murtola, Tapio Visakorpi, Kirsi Talala, Teuvo Tammela, Aino Siltari, Stephane Lejeune, Laurence Colette, Simona Caputova, Delielena Poli, Sophie Byrne, Luz Fialho, Ashley Rowland, Neo Tapela, Nicola Di Flora, Kathi Apostolidis, Valerie Lemair, Bertrand De Meulder, Charles Auffray, Nesrine Taibi, Ayman Hijazy, Albert Saporta, Kai Sun, Shaun Power, Nazanin Zounemat Kermani, Kees van Bochove, Azadeh Tafreshiha, Chiara Bernini, Denis Horgan, Louise Fullwood, Marc Holtorf, Doron Lancet, Gabi Bernstein, Sheela Tripathee, Manfred Wirth, Michael Froehner, Beate Brenner, Angelika Borkowetz, Christian Thomas, Friedemann Horn, Kristin Reiche, Markus Kreuz, Andreas Josefsson, Delila Gasi Tandefelt, Jonas Hugosson, Jack Schalken, Henkjan Huisman, Thomas Hofmarcher, Peter Lindgren, Emelie Andersson, Adam Fridhammar, Monica Tames Grijalva, Susan Evans-Axelsson, Frank Verholen, Jihong Zong, John-Edward Butler-Ransohoff, Todd Williamson, Reg Waldeck, Amanda Bruno, Ekaterina Nevedomskaya, Samuel Fatoba, Niculae Constantinovici, Carl Steinbeisser, Monika Maass, Patrizia Torremante, Emmanuelle Dochy, Federica Pisa, Marc Dietrich Voss, Kishore Papineni, Jing Wang silvanto, Robert Snijder, Xuewei Wang, Mark Lambrecht, Russ Wolfinger, Sherinne Eid, Soundarya Palanisamy, Samiul Haque, Laurent Antoni, Angela Servan, Katie Pascoe, Paul Robinson, Joana Lencart, Bertrand Jaton, Heidi Turunen, Olavi Kilkku, Pasi Pohjanjousi, Olli Voima, Liina Nevalaita, Keijo Punakivi, Sarah Seager, Shilpa Ratwani, Katarzyna Grzeslak, James Brash, Elaine Longden-Chapman, Danny Burke, Muriel Licour, Sarah Payne, Alan Yong, Flavia Lujan, Sophia Le Mare, Jan Hendrich, Michael Bussmann, Juckeland, Kotik, Delielena Poli, und Christian Reich. Survivorship Data in Prostate Cancer: Where Are We and Where Do We Need To Be?. European Urology Open Science, (59):27–29, Elsevier BV, Januar 2024. [PUMA: Cancer: Data Prostate Survivorship Zno imported] URL

Klaus Steiniger, Rene Widera, Sergei Bastrakov, Michael Bussmann, Sunita Chandrasekaran, Benjamin Hernandez, Kristina Holsapple, Axel Huebl, Guido Juckeland, Jeffrey Kelling, Matt Leinhauser, Richard Pausch, David Rogers, Ulrich Schramm, Jeff Young, und Alexander Debus. EZ: An efficient, charge conserving current deposition algorithm for electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations. Computer Physics Communications, (291):108849, 2023. [PUMA: Charge Current EZ PIConGPU Particle-in-cell Zno conservation deposition imported] URL

Wael Elwasif, William Godoy, Nick Hagerty, J. Austin Harris, Oscar Hernandez, Balint Joo, Paul Kent, Damien Lebrun-Grandie, Elijah Maccarthy, Veronica Melesse Vergara, Bronson Messer, Ross Miller, Sarp Oral, Sergei Bastrakov, Michael Bussmann, Alexander Debus, Klaus Steiniger, Jan Stephan, Rene Widera, Spencer Bryngelson, Henry Le Berre, Anand Radhakrishnan, Jeffrey Young, Sunita Chandrasekaran, Florina Ciorba, Osman Simsek, Kate Clark, Filippo Spiga, Jeff Hammond, Stone John, David Hardy, Sebastian Keller, Jean-Guillaume Piccinali, und Christian Trott. Application Experiences on a GPU-Accelerated Arm-based HPC Testbed. Proceedings of the HPC Asia 2023 Workshops, 35–49, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2023. [PUMA: Zno imported] URL

Anna Willmann, Jurjen Couperus Cabadağ, Yen-Yu Chang, Richard Pausch, Amin Ghaith, Alexander Debus, Arie Irman, Michael Bussmann, Ulrich Schramm, und Nico Hoffmann. Learning Electron Bunch Distribution along a FEL Beamline by Normalising Flows. 2023. [PUMA: Bunch Distribution Electron Learning Zno imported] URL

Brian Edward Marré, Ulrich Schramm, Michael Bussmann, Thomas Kluge, Thomas Cowan, René Widera, Sergei Bastrakov, und Axel Huebl. Atomic population kinetics for Particle in Cell. 2023. [PUMA: Atomic Zno imported kinetics population]

Peer-Timo Bremer, Brian Spears, Tom Gibbs, und Michael Bussmann. AI-Augmented Facilities: Bridging Experiment and Simulation with ML (Dagstuhl Seminar 23132). Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2023. [PUMA: AI-Augmented Facilities Zno imported] URL

Bernhard Manfred Gruber, Guilherme Amadio, Jakob Blomer, Alexander Matthes, René Widera, und Michael Bussmann. LLAMA: The low‐level abstraction for memory access. Software: Practice and Experience, (53)1:115–141, Wiley, März 2022. [PUMA: LLAMA Zno access imported memory] URL

Patrick Stiller, Varun Makdani, Franz Pöschel, Richard Pausch, Alexander Debus, Michael Bussmann, und Nico Hoffmann. Continual learning autoencoder training for a particle-in-cell simulation via streaming. 2022. [PUMA: Continual Zno autoencoder imported learning particle-in-cell simulation training] URL

J. N’Dow, E.J. Smith, K. Polychronopoulos, A. Cannon, M. Roobol, S. Auweter, M. Thomas, A. Kremer, B. De Meulder, D. Dellamonica, D.P. Alhambra, A. Asiimwe, M. Bussmann, X. Ji, P. Torremante, S. Keller, F. Kube, und H. Krueger. 917P OPTIMA: Improve care for patients with prostate, breast, and lung cancer through artificial intelligence. Annals of Oncology, (33):S966, Elsevier BV, September 2022. [PUMA: 917P OPTIMA Zno imported] URL

Accelerator Programming Using Directives: 8th International Workshop, WACCPD 2021, Virtual Event, November 14, 2021, Proceedings. In Sridutt Bhalachandra, Christopher Daley, und Verónica Melesse Vergara (Hrsg.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2021. [PUMA: 2021 Accelerator Programming WACCPD Zno imported]

George Markomanolis, Aksel Alpay, Jeffrey Young, Michael Klemm, Nicholas Malaya, Aniello Esposito, Jussi Heikonen, Sergei Bastrakov, Alexander Debus, Thomas Kluge, Klaus Steiniger, Jan Stephan, Rene Widera, und Michael Bussmann. Evaluating GPU Programming Models for the LUMI Supercomputer. 79-101, Januar 2022. [PUMA: GPU LUMI Programming Supercomputer Zno]

W Elwasif, S Bastrakov, Spencer H Bryngelson, Michael Bussmann, Sunita Chandrasekaran, F Ciorba, Michael A Clark, Alexander Debus, W Godoy, Nick Hagerty, und others. Early application experiences on a modern GPU-accelerated Arm-based HPC platform. HPC Asia, (23)2022. [PUMA: Arm-based Early GPU-accelerated HPC Zno application experiences modern platform]

Martin Potthast, Paolo Rosso, Efstathios Stamatatos, und Benno Stein. A Decade of Shared Tasks in Digital Text Forensics at PAN. In Leif Azzopardi, Benno Stein, Norbert Fuhr, Philipp Mayr, Claudia Hauff, und Djoerd Hiemstra (Hrsg.), Advances in Information Retrieval. 41st European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2019), (11438):291--300, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, April 2019. [PUMA: Decade Digital Forensics PAN Shared Tasks Text Zno]

Johannes Kiesel, Fabienne Hubricht, Benno Stein, und Martin Potthast. A Dataset for Content Error Detection in Web Archives. In Maria Bonn, Stephen J. Downie, Alain Martaus, und Dan Wu (Hrsg.), 18th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2019), 349--350, ACM, Juni 2019. [PUMA: Archives Content Dataset Detection Error Web Zno]

Martin Potthast, Lukas Gienapp, Florian Euchner, Nick Heilenkötter, Nico Weidmann, Henning Wachsmuth, Benno Stein, und Matthias Hagen. Argument Search: Assessing Argument Relevance. 42nd International ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), ACM, Juli 2019. [PUMA: Argument Assessing Relevance Search Zno]

Eva Zangerle, Michael Tschuggnall, Günther Specht, Benno Stein, und Martin Potthast. Overview of the Style Change Detection Task at PAN 2019. In Linda Cappellato, Nicola Ferro, David E. Losada, und Henning Müller (Hrsg.), Working Notes Papers of the CLEF 2019 Evaluation Labs, (2380)September 2019. [PUMA: 2019 Change Detection Overview PAN Style Task Zno] URL

Sebastian Bischoff, Niklas Deckers, Marcel Schliebs, Ben Thies, Matthias Hagen, Efstathios Stamatatos, Benno Stein, und Martin Potthast. The Importance of Suppressing Domain Style in Authorship Analysis. CoRR, (abs/2005.14714)Mai 2020. [PUMA: Analysis Authorship Domain Importance Style Suppressing Zno] URL

Johannes Kiesel, Florian Kneist, Lars Meyer, Kristof Komlossy, Benno Stein, und Martin Potthast. Web Page Segmentation Revisited: Evaluation Framework and Dataset. In Mathieu d'Aquin, Stefan Dietze, Claudia Hauff, Edward Curry, und Philippe Cudré-Mauroux (Hrsg.), 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020), 3047--3054, ACM, Oktober 2020. [PUMA: Dataset Evaluation Framework Page Revisited Segmentation Web Zno]

Michael Völske, Janek Bevendorff, Johannes Kiesel, Benno Stein, Maik Fröbe, Matthias Hagen, und Martin Potthast. Web Archive Analytics: Infrastructure & Applications @ Webis (extended abstract). In Andreas Wagner, Christian Guetl, Michael Granitzer, und Stefan Voigt (Hrsg.), 2nd International Symposium on Open Search Technology (OSSYM 2020), International Open Search Symposium, Oktober 2020. [PUMA: Analytics Applications Archive Infrastructure Web Webis Zno]

Shahbaz Syed, Wei-Fan Chen, Matthias Hagen, Benno Stein, Henning Wachsmuth, und Martin Potthast. Task Proposal: Abstractive Snippet Generation for Web Pages. 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG 2020), 237--241, Association for Computational Linguistics, Dezember 2020. [PUMA: Abstractive Generation Pages Proposal Snippet Task Web Zno] URL

43rd International Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2021). In Djoerd Hiemstra, Marie-Francine Moens, Josiane Mothe, Raffaele Perego, Martin Potthast, und Fabrizio Sebastiani (Hrsg.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (12656)Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, April 2021. [PUMA: 2021 43rd Conference ECIR IR International Research Zno]

Arno Simons, Wolfgang Kircheis, Marion Schmidt, Martin Potthast, und Benno Stein. When a social network writes science history: How Wikipedia frames innovation processes. Framing Innovation in a Networked World. An Interdisciplinary Workshop, September 2021. [PUMA: Wikipedia Zno history innovation network processes science social] URL

Shahbaz Syed, Tariq Yousef, Khalid Al-Khatib, Stefan Jänicke, und Martin Potthast. SUMMARY EXPLORER: Visualizing the State of the Art in Text Summarization. In Marie-Francine Moens, Xuanjing Huang, Lucia Specia, und Scott Wen-tau Yih (Hrsg.), 26th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2021), 185--194, Association for Computational Linguistics, November 2021. [PUMA: EXPLORER SUMMARY Summarization Text Visualizing Xack]

Milad Alshomary, Timon Gurcke, Shahbaz Syed, Philipp Heinisch, Maximilian Spliethöver, Philipp Cimiano, Martin Potthast, und Henning Wachsmuth. Key Point Analysis via Contrastive Learning and Extractive Argument Summarization. In Khalid Al-Khatib, Yufang Hou, und Manfred Stede (Hrsg.), 8th Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining 2021) at EMNLP, 184--189, Association for Computational Linguistics, November 2021. [PUMA: Analysis Argument Contrastive Extractive Key Learning Point Summarization Zno]

Parvaneh Joharinad, und Jürgen Jost. Weighted complexes, cohomology and Laplace operators. Mathematical Principles of Topological and Geometric Data Analysis, 2:65--81, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023. [PUMA: Laplace Weighted Xack Yaff cohomology complexes operators]

Hermann Diebel-Fischer. Vom Wurstessen zur Revolution?. Pastoraltheologie, (112)1:44--56, Brill Deutschland GmbH, Januar 2023. [PUMA: Menschen Selbstbefreiung Yaff]

Christina Gillmann, Johanna Schmidt, und Daniel Wiegreffe. Visualization in the Wild. IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., (43)6:46--49, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), November 2023. [PUMA: Visualization Xack]

Karsten Rink, Nico Graebling, Lars Bilke, Jörg Buchwald, Thomas Fischer, Christoph Lehmann, Tobias Meisel, Dmitri Naumov, Wenqing Wang, Keita Yoshioka, und Olaf Kolditz. Virtual reality and computational efficiency. SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences, 77--89, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023. [PUMA: Virtual Yaff computational efficiency reality]

Sahar Vahdati, Deepankan Bharathi Nagaraj, Maximilian Bryan, Sobhan Moazemi, Sabine Gründer-Fahrer, und Michael Martin. Utilizing transformers on OCT imagery and metadata for treatment response prediction in macular edema patients. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3--15, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023. [PUMA: OCT Xack edema macular prediction response topic_lifescience transformers treatment]

Saeed Karami, Farid Saberi-Movahed, Prayag Tiwari, Pekka Marttinen, und Sahar Vahdati. Unsupervised feature selection based on variance–covariance subspace distance. Neural Networks, (166):188-203, 2023. [PUMA: Feature Regularization Subspace Xack distance learning selection] URL

Kimberly E Roche, Johannes R Bjork, Mauna R Dasari, Laura Grieneisen, David Jansen, Trevor J Gould, Laurence R Gesquiere, Luis B Barreiro, Susan C Alberts, Ran Blekhman, Jack A Gilbert, Jenny Tung, Sayan Mukherjee, und Elizabeth A Archie. Universal gut microbial relationships in the gut microbiome of wild baboons. Elife, (12)eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd, Mai 2023. [PUMA: Zno bacteria between community correlations cynocephalus data disease dynamics ecology gut infectious longitudinal microbiology microbiome microbiota personalization universality] URL

Annika Reinke, Minu D Tizabi, Michael Baumgartner, Matthias Eisenmann, Doreen Heckmann-Nötzel, A Emre Kavur, Tim Rädsch, Carole H Sudre, Laura Acion, Michela Antonelli, Tal Arbel, Spyridon Bakas, Arriel Benis, Florian Buettner, M Jorge Cardoso, Veronika Cheplygina, Jianxu Chen, Evangelia Christodoulou, Beth A Cimini, Keyvan Farahani, Luciana Ferrer, Adrian Galdran, Bram van Ginneken, Ben Glocker, Patrick Godau, Daniel A Hashimoto, Michael M Hoffman, Merel Huisman, Fabian Isensee, Pierre Jannin, Charles E Kahn, Dagmar Kainmueller, Bernhard Kainz, Alexandros Karargyris, Jens Kleesiek, Florian Kofler, Thijs Kooi, Annette Kopp-Schneider, Michal Kozubek, Anna Kreshuk, Tahsin Kurc, Bennett A Landman, Geert Litjens, Amin Madani, Klaus Maier-Hein, Anne L Martel, Erik Meijering, Bjoern Menze, Karel G M Moons, Henning Müller, Brennan Nichyporuk, Felix Nickel, Jens Petersen, Susanne M Rafelski, Nasir Rajpoot, Mauricio Reyes, Michael A Riegler, Nicola Rieke, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Clara I Sánchez, Shravya Shetty, Ronald M Summers, Abdel A Taha, Aleksei Tiulpin, Sotirios A Tsaftaris, Ben Van Calster, Gaël Varoquaux, Ziv R Yaniv, Paul F Jäger, und Lena Maier-Hein. Understanding metric-related pitfalls in image analysis validation. Nat. Methods, (21)2:182--194, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Februar 2024. [PUMA: Zno analysis image pitfalls validation]

Deborah Oliveros, Érika Roldán, Pablo Soberón, und Antonio J Torres. Tverberg Partition Graphs. 2023. [PUMA: Graphs Partition Tverberg Yaff]

Franz Baader, Francesco Kriegel, und Adrian Nuradiansyah. Treating role assertions as first-class citizens in repair and error-tolerant reasoning. Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 974--982, ACM, New York, NY, USA, März 2023. [PUMA: Xack assertions citizens error-tolerant first-class reasoning repair role]

Sandeep Kumar, Hossein Tahmasbi, Kushal Ramakrishna, Mani Lokamani, Svetoslav Nikolov, Julien Tranchida, Mitchell A Wood, und Attila Cangi. Transferable interatomic potential for aluminum from ambient conditions to warm dense matter. Phys. Rev. Res., (5)3American Physical Society (APS), September 2023. [PUMA: Transferable Xack aluminum ambient conditions interatomic potential]

Jens Christian Refsgaard, Juliane Mai, Markus Hrachowitz, Sharad K Jain, und Simon Stisen. Towards more credible models in catchment hydrology to enhance hydrological process understanding: Preface. Authorea, Inc., September 2023. [PUMA: Yaff catchment credible hydrological hydrology models process]

Parvaneh Joharinad, und Jürgen Jost. Topological foundations, hypercomplexes and homology. Mathematics of Data, 15--64, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023. [PUMA: Topological foundations homology hypercomplexes]

Peter Christen, und Rainer Schnell. Thirty-three myths and misconceptions about population data: from data capture and processing to linkage. Int. J. Popul. Data Sci., (8)1:2115, Swansea University, Januar 2023. [PUMA: Xack administrative data editing errors linkage personal quality record]

Parvaneh Joharinad, und Jürgen Jost. The Laplace operator and the geometry of graphs. Mathematics of Data, 83--113, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023. [PUMA: Laplace geometry graphs operator]

Melissa Sanabria, Jonas Hirsch, und Anna R Poetsch. The human genome's vocabulary as proposed by the DNA language model GROVER. bioRxiv, Juli 2023. [PUMA: DNA GROVER Xack language model]

Manuel Estévez, Erika Roldan, und Henry Segerman. Surfaces in The Tesseract. 2023. [PUMA: Surfaces Tesseract Yaff]