%0 Conference Paper
%1 kiesel:2019b
%A Kiesel, Johannes
%A Hubricht, Fabienne
%A Stein, Benno
%A Potthast, Martin
%B 18th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2019)
%D 2019
%E Bonn, Maria
%E Downie, Stephen J.
%E Martaus, Alain
%E Wu, Dan
%K Archives Content Dataset Detection Error Web Zno
%P 349--350
%R 10.1109/JCDL.2019.00065
%T A Dataset for Content Error Detection in Web Archives
added-at = {2025-01-14T11:47:20.000+0100},
author = {Kiesel, Johannes and Hubricht, Fabienne and Stein, Benno and Potthast, Martin},
biburl = {https://puma.scadsai.uni-leipzig.de/bibtex/287431de59f849afdb8ed63243c1183f4/scadsfct},
booktitle = {18th {ACM/IEEE} Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2019)},
doi = {10.1109/JCDL.2019.00065},
editor = {Bonn, Maria and Downie, {Stephen J.} and Martaus, Alain and Wu, Dan},
interhash = {fa31dd63ac143f3c36c30de4227d91ec},
intrahash = {87431de59f849afdb8ed63243c1183f4},
keywords = {Archives Content Dataset Detection Error Web Zno},
month = jun,
pages = {349--350},
publisher = {ACM},
site = {Urbana-Champaign},
timestamp = {2025-01-29T13:45:07.000+0100},
title = {A Dataset for Content Error Detection in Web Archives},
year = 2019