
Daniel Wiegreffe, Lydia Müller, Jens Steuck, Dirk Zeckzer, and Peter F Stadler. The Sierra Platinum Service for generating peak-calls for replicated ChIP-seq experiments. BMC Res. Notes, (11)1:512, July 2018. [PUMA: ChIP-seq; Histone Peak-caller; Replicate analysis modifications;]

Dirk Zeckzer, Alrik Hausdorf, Nicole Hinzmann, Lydia Müller, and Daniel Wiegreffe. Masakari: visualization supported statistical analysis of genome segmentations. BMC Bioinformatics, (21)1:437, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, October 2020. [PUMA: Cell ChIP-seq; Chromatin Histone development; modifications state;]