
Lucas Lange, Tobias Schreieder, Victor Christen, and Erhard Rahm. Slice it up: Unmasking user identities in smartwatch health data. 2023. [PUMA: Xack data health smartwatch]

Sidharth Sivaraj, Jakob Zscheischler, Jonathan R Buzan, Olivia Martius, Stefan Brönnimann, and Ana M Vicedo-Cabrera. Heat, humidity and health impacts: how causal diagrams can help tell the complex story. Environmental Research Letters, (19)7:074069, IOP Publishing, July 2024. [PUMA: Heat causal diagrams health humidity zno] URL

Najia Ahmadi, Quang Vu Nguyen, Martin Sedlmayr, and Markus Wolfien. A comparative patient-level prediction study in OMOP CDM: applicative potential and insights from synthetic data. Scientific reports, (14)1Nature Publishing Group, Jan 27, 2024. [PUMA: Databases, Electronic FIS_scads Factual, Health Humans, Informatics, Learning, Machine Medical Records topic_lifescience]

Katja Hoffmann, Yuan Peng, Tobias Schlosser, Gabriel Stolze, Holger Langner, Marcel Susky, Trixy Meyer, Marc Ritter, Danny Kowerko, Vinodh Kakkassery, Markus Wolfien, and Martin Sedlmayr. Towards Standardizing Ophthalmic Data for Seamless Interoperability in Eye Care. Studies in health technology and informatics, (317):139--145, IOS Press, Amsterdam u. a., Aug 30, 2024. [PUMA: topic_lifescience Diseases/therapy, Electronic Eye FIS_scads Germany, Health Humans, Information Interoperability/standards, Learning, Level Machine Ophthalmology Records/standards, Seven/standards,]

Markus Wolfien, Najia Ahmadi, Kai Fitzer, Sophia Grummt, Kilian-Ludwig Heine, Ian-C Jung, Dagmar Krefting, Andreas Kühn, Yuan Peng, Ines Reinecke, Julia Scheel, Tobias Schmidt, Paul Schmücker, Christina Schüttler, Dagmar Waltemath, Michele Zoch, and Martin Sedlmayr. Ten Topics to Get Started in Medical Informatics Research. Journal of Medical Internet Research, (25)JMIR Publications Inc., Jul 24, 2023. [PUMA: topic_lifescience Algorithms, Clinical Curriculum, Digital FIS_scads Germany, Health Humans, Informatics, Interdisciplinary Medical Research clinical communication, data, digital health health, informatics informatics, interdisciplinary medical research]

Waldemar Hahn, Najia Ahmadi, Katja Hoffmann, Jan-Niklas Eckardt, Martin Sedlmayr, and Markus Wolfien. Synthetic Data Generation in Hematology - Paving the Way for OMOP and FHIR Integration. Studies in health technology and informatics, (316):1472--1476, IOS Press, Amsterdam u. a., Aug 22, 2024. [PUMA: topic_lifescience Acute, Assessment, Care Electronic FIS_scads Health Hematology, Humans, Information Interoperability, Leukemia, Myeloid, Outcome Records,]

Veronika Scholz, Peter Winkler, Andreas Hornig, Maik Gude, and Angelos Filippatos. Structural damage identification of composite rotors based on fully connected neural networks and convolutional neural networks. Sensors (Basel), (21)6:2005, MDPI AG, March 2021. [PUMA: (SHM) composite composites; connected convolutional dense fully health learning; machine monitoring networks; neural rotors; structural]