
Lucas Lange, Tobias Schreieder, Victor Christen, and Erhard Rahm. Slice it up: Unmasking user identities in smartwatch health data. 2023. [PUMA: Xack data health smartwatch]

Sidharth Sivaraj, Jakob Zscheischler, Jonathan R Buzan, Olivia Martius, Stefan Brönnimann, and Ana M Vicedo-Cabrera. Heat, humidity and health impacts: how causal diagrams can help tell the complex story. Environmental Research Letters, (19)7:074069, IOP Publishing, July 2024. [PUMA: Heat causal diagrams health humidity zno] URL

Najia Ahmadi, Quang Vu Nguyen, Martin Sedlmayr, and Markus Wolfien. A comparative patient-level prediction study in OMOP CDM: applicative potential and insights from synthetic data. Scientific reports, (14)1Nature Publishing Group, Jan 27, 2024. [PUMA: Databases, Electronic FIS_scads Factual, Health Humans, Informatics, Learning, Machine Medical Records topic_lifescience yaff]

Veronika Scholz, Peter Winkler, Andreas Hornig, Maik Gude, and Angelos Filippatos. Structural damage identification of composite rotors based on fully connected neural networks and convolutional neural networks. Sensors (Basel), (21)6:2005, MDPI AG, March 2021. [PUMA: (SHM) composite composites; connected convolutional dense fully health learning; machine monitoring networks; neural rotors; structural]