
Aryaman Gupta, Ulrik Günther, Pietro Incardona, Guido Reina, Steffen Frey, Stefan Gumhold, and Ivo F. Sbalzarini. Efficient Raycasting of View-Dependent Piecewise Constant Representations of Volumetric Data. Jun 17, 2022. [PUMA: topic_visualcomputing topic_lifescience FIS_scads Human-centered Visualization Visualization, and computing, concepts paradigms, techniques theory,]

Aryaman Gupta, Pietro Incardona, Paul Hunt, Guido Reina, Steffen Frey, Stefan Gumhold, Ulrik Günther, and Ivo F. Sbalzarini. Content-adaptive generation and parallel compositing of volumetric depth images for responsive visualization of large volume data. Jun 29, 2022. [PUMA: topic_visualcomputing topic_lifescience FIS_scads Human-centered Visualization Visualization, and computing, concepts paradigms techniques theory,]

Guilherme Korol, Michael Guilherme Jordan, Mateus Beck Rutzig, Jeronimo Castrillon, and Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck. Pruning and Early-Exit Co-Optimization for CNN Acceleration on FPGAs. 2023 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2023 - Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., United States of America, 2023. [PUMA: topic_software Adaptive CNN, Computing, Edge FIS_scads FPGA Inference,] URL

Guilherme Korol, Michael Guilherme Jordan, Mateus Beck Rutzig, Jeronimo Castrillon, and Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck. Design Space Exploration for CNN Offloading to FPGAs at the Edge. In Fernanda Kastensmidt, Ricardo Reis, Aida Todri-Sanial, Hai Li, and Carolina Metzler (Eds.), 2023 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSI 2023 - Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, United States of America, 2023. [PUMA: topic_software CNN, Computing, Edge FIS_scads FPGA, IoT, Offloading] URL

Veronia Iskandar, Mohamed A.Abd El Ghany, and Diana Goehringer. Performance Estimation and Prototyping of Reconfigurable Near-Memory Computing Systems. In Nele Mentens, Nele Mentens, Leonel Sousa, Pedro Trancoso, Nikela Papadopoulou, and Ioannis Sourdis (Eds.), Proceedings - 2023 33rd International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2023, 357--358, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., United States of America, Nov 2, 2023. [PUMA: topic_federatedlearn Architectures, Computing, FIS_scads High Near Parallel Prediction bandwidth memories, memory] URL