Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

A 4-Approximation Algorithm for Min Max Correlation Clustering.

, , und .
Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Seite 1945--1953. Cambridge MA: JMLR, (2024)Publisher Copyright: Copyright 2024 by the author(s)..


We introduce a lower bounding technique for the min max correlation clustering problem and, based on this technique, a combinatorial 4-approximation algorithm for complete graphs. This improves upon the previous best known approximation guarantees of 5, using a linear program formulation (Kalhan et al., 2019), and 40, for a combinatorial algorithm (Davies et al., 2023). We extend this algorithm by a greedy joining heuristic and show empirically that it improves the state of the art in solution quality and runtime on several benchmark datasets.



  • @scadsfct

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