
A global database of natural hazards impacts reported in the scientific literature

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EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, (2024)


The increased frequency and magnitude of natural hazards might significantly increase social, economic, and health impacts on society in the next decades. Existing studies and databases of natural hazard impacts have several limitations, such as (1) a low level of detail on how people were affected;(2) an underestimation of the impacts;(3) a limited geographical range; and (4) a lack of information on the source of the data. However, scientific publications, reports, and handbooks compose a large data repository that can provide valuable and trustworthy information on natural hazards. We are building a global database on the impacts of natural hazards that have been documented since 1950 in the scientific literature. We mapped global research on climatological, hydrological, and meteorological extremes, such as heatwaves and floods. We retrieved over 40 thousand full-text open-access papers from …



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