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%0 Journal Article
%1 Gruber_2022
%A Gruber, Bernhard Manfred
%A Amadio, Guilherme
%A Blomer, Jakob
%A Matthes, Alexander
%A Widera, René
%A Bussmann, Michael
%D 2022
%I Wiley
%J Software: Practice and Experience
%K LLAMA Zno access imported memory
%N 1
%P 115–141
%R 10.1002/spe.3077
%T LLAMA: The low‐level abstraction for memory access
%V 53
added-at = {2025-01-15T10:27:45.000+0100},
author = {Gruber, Bernhard Manfred and Amadio, Guilherme and Blomer, Jakob and Matthes, Alexander and Widera, René and Bussmann, Michael},
biburl = {},
doi = {10.1002/spe.3077},
interhash = {e08cf5071ca5b7c45a819e727a1399c6},
intrahash = {14d99632d39a82bbd948fe1259282b49},
issn = {1097-024X},
journal = {Software: Practice and Experience},
keywords = {LLAMA Zno access imported memory},
month = mar,
number = 1,
pages = {115–141},
publisher = {Wiley},
timestamp = {2025-01-29T12:40:06.000+0100},
title = {LLAMA: The low‐level abstraction for memory access},
url = {},
volume = 53,
year = 2022