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%0 Journal Article
%1 Jost2023
%A Jost, Jürgen
%A Lalli, Roberto
%A Laubichler, Manfred D.
%A Olbrich, Eckehard
%A Renn, Jürgen
%A Restrepo, Guillermo
%A Stadler, Peter F.
%A Wintergrün, Dirk
%D 2023
%I Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
%J Journal of Social Computing
%K Challenges Computational History Opportunities nopdf
%N 3
%P 232–242
%R 10.23919/jsc.2023.0017
%T Computational History: Challenges and Opportunities of Formal Approaches
%V 4
added-at = {2024-12-19T13:45:10.000+0100},
author = {Jost, J\"{u}rgen and Lalli, Roberto and Laubichler, Manfred D. and Olbrich, Eckehard and Renn, J\"{u}rgen and Restrepo, Guillermo and Stadler, Peter F. and Wintergr\"{u}n, Dirk},
biburl = {},
doi = {10.23919/jsc.2023.0017},
interhash = {d9d29f119356f904b5214b4655782180},
intrahash = {386a7aa4a5b85c1eedf3edb3ab874e7b},
issn = {2688-5255},
journal = {Journal of Social Computing},
keywords = {Challenges Computational History Opportunities nopdf},
month = sep,
number = 3,
pages = {232–242},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)},
timestamp = {2025-02-17T10:56:52.000+0100},
title = {Computational History: Challenges and Opportunities of Formal Approaches},
url = {},
volume = 4,
year = 2023