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%0 Journal Article
%1 montero2023cubes
%A Montero, D
%A Kraemer, G
%A Anghelea, A
%A Camacho, CA
%A Brandt, G
%A Camps-Valls, G
%A Cremer, F
%A Flik, I
%A Gans, F
%A Habershon, S
%A Ji, C
%A Kattenborn, T
%A Martínez-Ferrer, L
%A Martinuzzi, F
%A Reinhardt, M
%A Söchting, M
%A Teber, K
%A Mahecha, M
%D 2023
%J EarthArXiv (California Digital Library)
%K xack
%T Data cubes for earth system research: Challenges ahead
added-at = {2025-02-27T10:40:29.000+0100},
author = {Montero, D and Kraemer, G and Anghelea, A and Camacho, CA and Brandt, G and Camps-Valls, G and Cremer, F and Flik, I and Gans, F and Habershon, S and Ji, C and Kattenborn, T and Martínez-Ferrer, L and Martinuzzi, F and Reinhardt, M and Söchting, M and Teber, K and Mahecha, M},
biburl = {},
citation = {EarthArXiv (California Digital Library), 2023},
interhash = {655a5890612f6e7dddff794c71bc7671},
intrahash = {f715daa0832dbfdd0392f96c339aefa7},
journal = {EarthArXiv (California Digital Library)},
keywords = {xack},
timestamp = {2025-02-27T10:40:29.000+0100},
title = {Data cubes for earth system research: Challenges ahead},
year = 2023