
Frontiers and exact learning of ELI queries under DL-Lite ontologies

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Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, California, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, (July 2022)


We study ELI queries (ELIQs) in the presence of ontologies formulated in the description logic DL-Lite. For the dialect DL-LiteH, we show that ELIQs have a frontier (set of least general generalizations) that is of polynomial size and can be computed in polynomial time. In the dialect DL-LiteF, in contrast, frontiers may be infinite. We identify a natural syntactic restriction that enables the same positive results as for DL-LiteH. We use our results on frontiers to show that ELIQs are learnable in polynomial time in the presence of a DL-LiteH / restricted DL-LiteF ontology in Angluin's framework of exact learning with only membership queries.



  • @scadsfct

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