The AnimalAssociatedMetagenomeDB reveals a bias towards livestock and developed countries and blind spots in functional-potential studies of animal-associated microbiomes
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%0 Journal Article
%1 AvilaSantos2023
%A Avila Santos, Anderson Paulo
%A Kabiru Nata’ala, Muhammad
%A Kasmanas, Jonas Coelho
%A Bartholomäus, Alexander
%A Keller-Costa, Tina
%A Jurburg, Stephanie D.
%A Tal, Tamara
%A Camarinha-Silva, Amélia
%A Saraiva, João Pedro
%A Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho, André Carlos
%A Stadler, Peter F.
%A Sipoli Sanches, Danilo
%A Rocha, Ulisses
%D 2023
%I Springer Science and Business Media LLC
%J Animal Microbiome
%K Animal-Associated_Microbiomes Database FAIR_principles Metadata Metagenome Microbial_Ecology yaff
%N 1
%R 10.1186/s42523-023-00267-3
%T The AnimalAssociatedMetagenomeDB reveals a bias towards livestock and developed countries and blind spots in functional-potential studies of animal-associated microbiomes
%V 5
added-at = {2024-12-11T14:30:29.000+0100},
author = {Avila Santos, Anderson Paulo and Kabiru Nata’ala, Muhammad and Kasmanas, Jonas Coelho and Bartholom\"{a}us, Alexander and Keller-Costa, Tina and Jurburg, Stephanie D. and Tal, Tamara and Camarinha-Silva, Amélia and Saraiva, João Pedro and Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho, André Carlos and Stadler, Peter F. and Sipoli Sanches, Danilo and Rocha, Ulisses},
biburl = {},
doi = {10.1186/s42523-023-00267-3},
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issn = {2524-4671},
journal = {Animal Microbiome},
keywords = {Animal-Associated_Microbiomes Database FAIR_principles Metadata Metagenome Microbial_Ecology yaff},
month = oct,
number = 1,
publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
timestamp = {2025-02-20T15:52:42.000+0100},
title = {The AnimalAssociatedMetagenomeDB reveals a bias towards livestock and developed countries and blind spots in functional-potential studies of animal-associated microbiomes},
url = {},
volume = 5,
year = 2023