%0 Journal Article
%1 Hahmann2019-jh
%A Hahmann, Martin
%A Hartmann, Claudio
%A Kegel, Lars
%A Lehner, Wolfgang
%D 2019
%I Springer Science and Business Media LLC
%J Datenbank Spektrum
%N 1
%P 17--29
%T Large-scale time series analytics
%V 19
added-at = {2024-09-10T11:56:37.000+0200},
author = {Hahmann, Martin and Hartmann, Claudio and Kegel, Lars and Lehner, Wolfgang},
biburl = {https://puma.scadsai.uni-leipzig.de/bibtex/2fc9346ed01378e4b5128294bee8e8e0a/scadsfct},
interhash = {e9d8d6d04e35272a3ccf706033fe1089},
intrahash = {fc9346ed01378e4b5128294bee8e8e0a},
journal = {Datenbank Spektrum},
keywords = {},
language = {en},
month = mar,
number = 1,
pages = {17--29},
publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
timestamp = {2024-09-10T15:15:57.000+0200},
title = {Large-scale time series analytics},
volume = 19,
year = 2019