AbstractThe large size of imaging datasets generated by
next-generation histology methods limits the adoption of those
approaches in research and the clinic. We propose pAPRica
(pipelines for Adaptive Particle Representation image compositing
and analysis), a framework based on the Adaptive Particle
Representation (APR) to enable efficient analysis of large
microscopy datasets, scalable up to petascale on a regular
workstation. pAPRica includes stitching, merging, segmentation,
registration, and mapping to an atlas as well as visualization of
the large 3D image data, achieving 100+ fold speedup in
computation and commensurate data-size reduction.
%0 Unpublished Work
%1 Scholler2023-om
%A Scholler, Jules
%A Jonsson, Joel
%A Jordá-Siquier, Tomás
%A Gantar, Ivana
%A Batti, Laura
%A Cheeseman, Bevan L
%A Pagès, Stéphane
%A Sbalzarini, Ivo F
%A Lamy, Christophe M
%D 2023
%J bioRxiv
%K Efficient Yaff analysis generation histopathology image large-scale {pAPRica}
%T Efficient image analysis for large-scale next generation histopathology using pAPRica
%X AbstractThe large size of imaging datasets generated by
next-generation histology methods limits the adoption of those
approaches in research and the clinic. We propose pAPRica
(pipelines for Adaptive Particle Representation image compositing
and analysis), a framework based on the Adaptive Particle
Representation (APR) to enable efficient analysis of large
microscopy datasets, scalable up to petascale on a regular
workstation. pAPRica includes stitching, merging, segmentation,
registration, and mapping to an atlas as well as visualization of
the large 3D image data, achieving 100+ fold speedup in
computation and commensurate data-size reduction.
abstract = {AbstractThe large size of imaging datasets generated by
next-generation histology methods limits the adoption of those
approaches in research and the clinic. We propose pAPRica
(pipelines for Adaptive Particle Representation image compositing
and analysis), a framework based on the Adaptive Particle
Representation (APR) to enable efficient analysis of large
microscopy datasets, scalable up to petascale on a regular
workstation. pAPRica includes stitching, merging, segmentation,
registration, and mapping to an atlas as well as visualization of
the large 3D image data, achieving 100+ fold speedup in
computation and commensurate data-size reduction.},
added-at = {2025-01-07T14:31:47.000+0100},
author = {Scholler, Jules and Jonsson, Joel and Jord{\'a}-Siquier, Tom{\'a}s and Gantar, Ivana and Batti, Laura and Cheeseman, Bevan L and Pag{\`e}s, St{\'e}phane and Sbalzarini, Ivo F and Lamy, Christophe M},
biburl = {https://puma.scadsai.uni-leipzig.de/bibtex/2a7df3e6cf0f53ed27e93a75df3fd3012/scadsfct},
interhash = {d1f81c66db43d9ba8acb7ff2f03c949c},
intrahash = {a7df3e6cf0f53ed27e93a75df3fd3012},
journal = {bioRxiv},
keywords = {Efficient Yaff analysis generation histopathology image large-scale {pAPRica}},
month = jan,
timestamp = {2025-01-31T12:01:26.000+0100},
title = {Efficient image analysis for large-scale next generation histopathology using {pAPRica}},
year = 2023