%0 Conference Paper
%1 Elstner2024-ug
%A Elstner, Theresa
%A Hanle, Bärbel
%A Loebe, Frank
%A Fröbe, Maik
%A Kolyada, Nikolay
%A Mohr, Janis
%A Frochte, Jörg
%A Hofmann, Sven
%A Stein, Benno
%A Potthast, Martin
%B Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 1
%C New York, NY, USA
%D 2024
%K topic_language topic_knowledge
%T Classification of shared tasks used in teaching
added-at = {2024-09-10T10:41:24.000+0200},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
author = {Elstner, Theresa and Hanle, B{\"a}rbel and Loebe, Frank and Fr{\"o}be, Maik and Kolyada, Nikolay and Mohr, Janis and Frochte, J{\"o}rg and Hofmann, Sven and Stein, Benno and Potthast, Martin},
biburl = {https://puma.scadsai.uni-leipzig.de/bibtex/2733bbd3a9e24e16978c9d413a0d35899/scadsfct},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 1},
conference = {ITiCSE 2024: Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education},
interhash = {c32be007ad97a834f852c5abb3c2ccfd},
intrahash = {733bbd3a9e24e16978c9d413a0d35899},
keywords = {topic_language topic_knowledge},
location = {Milan Italy},
month = jul,
publisher = {ACM},
timestamp = {2024-11-28T17:41:20.000+0100},
title = {Classification of shared tasks used in teaching},
year = 2024