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%0 Conference Paper
%1 gollub2023dynamic
%A Gollub, Tim
%A Brockmeyer, Jason
%A Stein, Benno
%A Potthast, Martin
%B European Conference on Information Retrieval
%D 2023
%K topic_language imported
%P 242--247
%T Dynamic Exploratory Search for the Information Retrieval Anthology
added-at = {2024-11-19T15:34:37.000+0100},
author = {Gollub, Tim and Brockmeyer, Jason and Stein, Benno and Potthast, Martin},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {European Conference on Information Retrieval},
interhash = {08f3cfdee1755fffe75a88acc97d4cb3},
intrahash = {6e71956602938ea4b6ed44426cb98a0d},
keywords = {topic_language imported},
organization = {Springer},
pages = {242--247},
timestamp = {2024-11-28T17:41:14.000+0100},
title = {Dynamic Exploratory Search for the Information Retrieval Anthology},
year = 2023