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%0 Journal Article
%1 girstmair2022time
%A Girstmair, Johannes
%A Moon, HongKee
%A Brillard, Charlène
%A Haase, Robert
%A Tomancak, Pavel
%D 2022
%J Advanced biology
%K zno
%N 4
%P 2101182
%T Time to upgrade: A new OpenSPIM guide to build and operate advanced OpenSPIM configurations
%V 6
added-at = {2025-03-13T17:48:50.000+0100},
author = {Girstmair, Johannes and Moon, HongKee and Brillard, Charl{\`e}ne and Haase, Robert and Tomancak, Pavel},
biburl = {},
interhash = {0b83d88e037b45f40558a6bdbb38194c},
intrahash = {fb81fadc88e0b5eb84f110508dc66ec2},
journal = {Advanced biology},
keywords = {zno},
number = 4,
pages = 2101182,
timestamp = {2025-03-13T17:48:50.000+0100},
title = {Time to upgrade: A new OpenSPIM guide to build and operate advanced OpenSPIM configurations},
volume = 6,
year = 2022