
Adam Nunn, Christian Otto, Peter F Stadler, und David Langenberger. Comprehensive benchmarking of software for mapping whole genome bisulfite data: from read alignment to DNA methylation analysis. Brief. Bioinform., (22)5Oxford University Press (OUP), September 2021. [PUMA: DNA WGBS benchmark; bisulfite epigenetics; genome mapping methylation; non-model plants; sequencing software; whole]

A D Lokits, H Indrischek, J Meiler, H E Hamm, und P F Stadler. Tracing the evolution of the heterotrimeric G protein $\alpha$ subunit in Metazoa. BMC Evol. Biol., (18)1:51, April 2018. [PUMA: Evolution; G Genome Heterotrimeric Orthology; Paralog; Whole annotation; coupled duplication genome protein protein; receptors; topic_lifescience]