Named Entity Recognition for Specific Domains - Take Advantage of Transfer Learning. International Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol 6 No 3 (2022), International Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2022. [PUMA: Advantage Domains Entity Learning Recognition Specific Transfer Xack] URL
Automatic lung segmentation and quantification of aeration in computed tomography of the chest using 3D transfer learning. Front. Physiol., (12):725865, 2021. [PUMA: ARDS; COVID-19; Jaccard deep index; learning; lung recruitment; segmentation; transfer uNet]
Individual modelling of haematotoxicity with NARX neural networks: A knowledge transfer approach. Heliyon, (9)7:e17890, Elsevier BV, July 2023. [PUMA: topic_neuroinspired topic_mathfoundation Haematopoiesis; Precision Recurrent System Transfer identification; learning medicine; networks; neural unit_transfer]