
Jose Antonio Corona-Gomez, Irving Jair Garcia-Lopez, Peter F Stadler, and Selene L Fernandez-Valverde. Splicing conservation signals in plant long noncoding RNAs. RNA, (26)7:784--793, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, July 2020. [PUMA: RNAs; alignments; conservation; evolution; evolutionary lncRNA; long multiple noncoding plasticity; sequence sites splice]

Bian Li, Jeffrey Mendenhall, John A Capra, and Jens Meiler. A multitask deep-learning method for predicting membrane associations and secondary structures of proteins. J. Proteome Res., (20)8:4089--4100, American Chemical Society (ACS), August 2021. [PUMA: convolutional deep learning; long memory multitask networks; neural prediction prediction; secondary short-term structure topic_lifescience topology transmembrane]

Martin Pippel, David Jebb, Franziska Patzold, Sylke Winkler, Heiko Vogel, Gene Myers, Michael Hiller, and Anna K Hundsdoerfer. A highly contiguous genome assembly of the bat hawkmoth Hyles vespertilio (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Gigascience, (9)1Oxford University Press (OUP), January 2020. [PUMA: PacBio annotation; assembly; comparison gene genome hawkmoth-silk long moth reads; topic_lifescience]