Detecting gene breakpoints in noisy genome sequences using position-annotated colored de-Bruijn graphs. BMC Bioinformatics, (24)1Springer Science and Business Media LLC, June 2023. [PUMA: Zno breakpoints de-Bruijn gene genome graphs noisy position-annotated] URL
AsymmeTree: A Flexible Python Package for the Simulation of Complex Gene Family Histories. Software, (1)3:276–298, MDPI AG, August 2022. [PUMA: AsymmeTree Family Gene Histories Package Python Simulation zno] URL
Transcriptomic signatures reveal a shift towards an anti-inflammatory gene expression profile but also the induction of type I and type II interferon signaling networks through aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation in murine macrophages. Frontiers in Immunology, (14)Frontiers Media SA, May 2023. [PUMA: Transcriptomic Zno activation anti-inflammatory aryl expression gene hydrocarbon induction interferon macrophages murine networks profile receptor signaling signatures through] URL
A time-resolved meta-analysis of consensus gene expression profiles during human T-cell activation. Genome Biology, (24)1Springer Science and Business Media LLC, December 2023. [PUMA: T-cell Yaff activation consensus expression gene human meta-analysis] URL
Artificial intelligence predicts immune and inflammatory gene signatures directly from hepatocellular carcinoma histology. J. Hepatol., (77)1:116--127, Elsevier BV, July 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience artificial deep gene image immune intelligence; learning; pathology; signatures; slide whole]
A highly contiguous genome assembly of the bat hawkmoth Hyles vespertilio (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Gigascience, (9)1Oxford University Press (OUP), January 2020. [PUMA: PacBio annotation; assembly; comparison gene genome hawkmoth-silk long moth reads; topic_lifescience]
Expansion of gene clusters, circular orders, and the shortest Hamiltonian path problem. J. Math. Biol., (77)2:313--341, August 2018. [PUMA: Evolution Hamiltonian Kalmanson Non-homologous Phylogenetic Unequal clusters; combinatorics; crossing gene metrics; of over path problems; recombination;]
Transcriptomic research in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Current state and future perspectives. Card. Fail. Rev., (6):e24, Radcliffe Group Ltd, March 2020. [PUMA: Heart LIFE-Heart; RNA; blood cells; ejection expression; failure fraction; gene mononuclear peripheral preserved transcriptome with]
Diatom adhesive trail proteins acquired by horizontal gene transfer from bacteria serve as primers for marine biofilm formation. New Phytol., (240)2:770--783, Wiley, October 2023. [PUMA: topic_lifescience bioadhesion; biofilm; diatom; gene gliding horizontal motility; unit_transfer]