
Jürgen Jost, und Guillermo Restrepo. Self-reinforcing mechanisms driving the evolution of the chemical space. Perspect. Sci., 1--39, MIT Press, Juli 2023. [PUMA: Self-reinforcing Yaff chemical driving space]

Eugenio Llanos, Wilmer Leal, Andrés Bernal, Jürgen Jost, und Peter F. Stadler. Are the chemical families still there? Formal structure of similarity of elements and its thermochemical domain. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, (480)2298The Royal Society, September 2024. [PUMA: Formal chemical families similarity structure zno] URL

Eugenio Llanos Ballestas, Wilmer Leal, Andrés Bernal, Jürgen Jost, und Peter F. Stadler. Are the chemical families still there? exploration of similarity among elements. American Chemical Society (ACS), Oktober 2022. [PUMA: chemical exploration families similarity zno] URL