The Rad52 SSAP superfamily and new insight into homologous recombination. Communications biology, (6)1Springer Nature, Jan 23, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads Rad52 Recombination DNA and topic_lifescience Protein/genetics Recombination, Repair Homologous]
Modeling Proficiency with Implicit User Representations. arXiv, 2021. [PUMA: sciences Computation and Computer sciences, Language (cs.CL), information FOS:] URL
Deep learning identifies inflamed fat as a risk factor for lymph node metastasis in early colorectal cancer. J. Pathol., (256)3:269--281, Wiley, March 2022. [PUMA: metastasis; inflamed intelligence; deep learning; bowel predictive LNM adipose pT2 pT1 digital biomarker; cancer; artificial AI; pathology; colorectal and topic_lifescience prediction new tissue; early]
Democratising Artificial Intelligence for Pandemic Preparedness and Global Governance in Latin American and Caribbean Countries. arXiv, 2024. [PUMA: sciences Artificial Intelligence and FOS Computer Zno information] URL
Modeling and processing up-to-dateness of patient information in probabilistic therapy decision support. Artif. Intell. Med., (104)101842:101842, Elsevier BV, April 2020. [PUMA: Therapy decision modules; Decision neck delay; Arden and logic system; Medical model syntax; oncology; support Head]
Efficient Raycasting of View-Dependent Piecewise Constant Representations of Volumetric Data. Jun 17, 2022. [PUMA: FIS_scads computing, concepts Visualization, Human-centered Visualization and techniques topic_lifescience theory, topic_visualcomputing paradigms,]
Content-adaptive generation and parallel compositing of volumetric depth images for responsive visualization of large volume data. Jun 29, 2022. [PUMA: FIS_scads computing, concepts Visualization, Human-centered Visualization paradigms and techniques topic_lifescience theory, topic_visualcomputing]
Mining the History Sections of Wikipedia Articles on Science and Technology. 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 200-204, 2023. [PUMA: Filtering innovation Priority Encyclopedias Transforms Wikipedia Science Studies Disputes Technology Innovation Focusing and Internet Libraries Zno Technological]
Evaluating the DoC-Forest tool for Classifying the State of Consciousness in a Completely Locked-In Syndrome Patient. 2023 7th International Conference on Imaging, Signal Processing and Communications (ICISPC), 37-41, 2023. [PUMA: models Consciousness Prediction Syndrome Predictive processing modeling Theory algorithms data learning Information Modeling Complexity Processing Machine Learning Training Neuroscience Measures and Locked-In Zno Signal Computational]
Assessing the Impact of Image Dataset Features on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.01329, arXiv, September 2024. [PUMA: ep FOS: Machine sciences (cs.LG), Security Learning (cs.CV), and Vision Computer (cs.CR), Cryptography information Pattern area_bigdata area_responsibleai Recognition]
Stability selection enables robust learning of partial differential equations from limited noisy data. arXiv, 2019. [PUMA: (, Analysis, Probability Data sciences, Numerical Statistics FOS: Machine Physical sciences Analysis (cs.LG), Learning (math.NA), Mathematics, and Computer information] URL
Classification of hyperspectral endocrine tissue images using support vector machines. Int. J. Med. Robot., (16)5:1--10, Wiley, October 2020. [PUMA: intraoperative thyroidectomy imaged guided computer neck; surgery; and imaging; assisted head]
Personalized structural biology reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying heterogeneous epileptic phenotypes caused by de novo KCNC2 variants. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances, (3)4:100131, 2022. [PUMA: developmental variant, disease molecular encephalopathy, electrophysiology, Diseases simulations, personalized structural rare dynamics interpretation, epileptic KCNC2, and topic_lifescience DEE, variant Network, Undiagnosed biology,] URL
Artificial intelligence in liver diseases: Improving diagnostics, prognostics and response prediction. JHEP Rep., (4)4:100443, Elsevier BV, April 2022. [PUMA: a disease; HCC, or intelligence; liver multivariable non-alcoholic multimodal ML, artificial WSIs, images; prediction support integration TACE, DICOM, AI, network; deep neural Digital Diagnosis; MVI, transarterial fatty topic_lifescience microvascular convolutional in learning; imaging; Communications invasion; NAFLD, chemoembolisation; hepatocellular Reporting steatohepatitis; Transparent Individual slide machine Prognosis Artificial data for NASH, whole Medicine; TRIPOD, of CNN, and Imaging carcinoma; diagnostic system; model]
Graph Mining for Complex Data Analytics. 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 1316--1319, December 2016. [PUMA: analysis;Data algorithms;Conferences;Graph design Intelligence and Data mining;Business;Algorithm Mining;Business models;Libraries;Partitioning]
If there's a Trigger Warning, then where's the Trigger? Investigating Trigger Warnings at the Passage Level. arXiv, 2024. [PUMA: sciences, FOS: Computers sciences (cs.CY), Computation topic_language Society and Computer Language (cs.CL), information] URL