
Peter Uhrig, Elinor Payne, Irina Pavlova, Ilya Burenko, Nathan Dykes, Mary Baltazani, Evie Burrows, Scott Hale, Philip Torr, and Anna Wilson. Studying time conceptualisation via speech, prosody, and hand gesture: interweaving manual and computational methods of analysis. Gesture and Speech in Interaction Conference (GeSpIn 2023), 2023. [PUMA: Yaff analysis computational conceptualisation gesture hand interweaving manual prosody speech time]

Jules Scholler, Joel Jonsson, Tomás Jordá-Siquier, Ivana Gantar, Laura Batti, Bevan L Cheeseman, Stéphane Pagès, Ivo F Sbalzarini, and Christophe M Lamy. Efficient image analysis for large-scale next generation histopathology using pAPRica. bioRxiv, January 2023. [PUMA: Efficient Yaff analysis generation histopathology image large-scale {pAPRica}]