
Paul Eisenhuth, Fabian Liessmann, Rocco Moretti, and Jens Meiler. REvoLd: Ultra-Large Library Screening with an Evolutionary Algorithm in Rosetta. 2024. [PUMA: Algorithm Evolutionary Library REvoLd Rosetta Screening Ultra-Large imported nopdf] URL

Pascal Kerschke, and Heike Trautmann. Automated algorithm selection on continuous black-box problems by combining Exploratory Landscape Analysis and machine learning. Evol. Comput., (27)1:99--127, MIT Press, 2019. [PUMA: Automated algorithm analysis; black-box continuous exploratory landscape learning; machine optimization. optimization; selection; single-objective]

Pascal Kerschke, Holger H Hoos, Frank Neumann, and Heike Trautmann. Automated algorithm selection: Survey and perspectives. Evol. Comput., (27)1:3--45, MIT Press, 2019. [PUMA: Automated algorithm analysis; approaches; automated combinatorial configuration; continuous data exploratory feature-based landscape learning; machine metalearning optimisation; selection; streams.;]

Ronny Lorenz, and Peter F Stadler. RNA secondary structures with limited base pair span: Exact backtracking and an application. Genes (Basel), (12)1:14, MDPI AG, December 2020. [PUMA: RNA algorithm elements; hyper-stable prediction; scanning secondary structure]