
Florian Seufert, Guillermo Pérez-Hernández, Gáspár Pándy-Szekeres, Ramon Guixà-González, Tobias Langenhan, David E. Gloriam, and Peter W. Hildebrand. Generic residue numbering of the GAIN domain of adhesion GPCRs. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, July 2024. [PUMA: Bioinformatics GAIN GPCRs Generic adhesion domain numbering residue residue_numbering yaff] URL

Fabian Liessmann, Lukas von Bredow, Jens Meiler, and rahm Liebscher, Ines. Targeting adhesion G protein-coupled receptors. Current status and future perspectives. Structure, Elsevier, November 2024. [PUMA: topic_lifescience ADGRG1; ADGRG2; ADGRG3; ADGRG5; ADGRG6; ADGRG7; GPCRs; GPR114; GPR126; GPR128; GPR56; GPR64; GPR97; adhesion area_bigdata discovery; drug ep ligands; molecules; small structure]