
Christopher Rost, Andreas Thor, and Erhard Rahm. 4.-8. März 2019. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2019. [PUMA: Analysis Data Graph Graph, Model, Temporal] URL

Michael Rade, Sebastian Böhlen, Vanessa Neuhaus, Dennis Löffler, Conny Blumert, Maximilian Merz, Ulrike Köhl, Susann Dehmel, Katherina Sewald, and Kristin Reiche. A time-resolved meta-analysis of consensus gene expression profiles during human T-cell activation. Genome Biol., (24)1:287, December 2023. [PUMA: Biomarkers; Gene Non-negative T-cell Temporal Time Transcriptome activation; expression; factorization; gene matrix profiles; series;]