
David Schaller, Marc Hellmuth, and Peter F. Stadler. AsymmeTree: A Flexible Python Package for the Simulation of Complex Gene Family Histories. Software, (1)3:276–298, MDPI AG, August 2022. [PUMA: Gene Simulation Package Python Histories zno AsymmeTree Family] URL

Akshay Akshay, Masoud Abedi, Navid Shekarchizadeh, Fiona C Burkhard, Mitali Katoch, Alex Bigger-Allen, Rosalyn M Adam, Katia Monastyrskaya, and Ali Hashemi Gheinani. MLcps: machine learning cumulative performance score for classification problems. Gigascience, (12)December 2022. [PUMA: problems; topic_federatedlearn score unified learning; package; evaluation machine Python evaluation; model classification]