A multitask deep-learning method for predicting membrane associations and secondary structures of proteins. J. Proteome Res., (20)8:4089--4100, American Chemical Society (ACS), August 2021. [PUMA: convolutional deep learning; long memory multitask networks; neural prediction prediction; secondary short-term structure topic_lifescience topology transmembrane]
Integration of deep learning-based image analysis and genomic data in cancer pathology: A systematic review. Eur. J. Cancer, (160):80--91, Elsevier BV, January 2022. [PUMA: Biomarker Cancer; Convolutional Multimodal Omics fusion; identification; networks; neural topic_lifescience]
Introduction to the BioChemical Library (BCL): An application-based open-source toolkit for integrated cheminformatics and machine learning in computer-aided drug discovery. Front. Pharmacol., (13):833099, Frontiers Media SA, February 2022. [PUMA: BCL; QSAR; biochemical cheminformatics; deep design; discovery; drug library; network; neural open-source topic_lifescience]