
Suryanarayana Maddu, Bevan L Cheeseman, Ivo F Sbalzarini, and Christian L Müller. Stability selection enables robust learning of differential equations from limited noisy data. Proc. Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., (478)2262:20210916, The Royal Society, June 2022. [PUMA: PAR differential equations; learning learning; machine proteins; regression; selection; sparse stability statistical theory]

Christopher Klapproth, Rituparno Sen, Peter F Stadler, Sven Findeiß, and Jörg Fallmann. Common features in lncRNA annotation and classification: A survey. Noncoding RNA, (7)4:77, MDPI AG, December 2021. [PUMA: classification coding extraction; feature learning lncRNA; machine problems; sequence;]

David Nam, Julius Chapiro, Valerie Paradis, Tobias Paul Seraphin, and Jakob Nikolas Kather. Artificial intelligence in liver diseases: Improving diagnostics, prognostics and response prediction. JHEP Rep., (4)4:100443, Elsevier BV, April 2022. [PUMA: AI, Artificial CNN, Communications DICOM, Diagnosis; Digital HCC, Imaging Individual ML, MVI, Medicine; NAFLD, NASH, Prognosis Reporting TACE, TRIPOD, Transparent WSIs, a and artificial carcinoma; chemoembolisation; convolutional data deep diagnostic disease; fatty for hepatocellular images; imaging; in integration intelligence; invasion; learning; liver machine microvascular model multimodal multivariable network; neural non-alcoholic of or prediction slide steatohepatitis; support system; transarterial whole]

Pascal Kerschke, and Heike Trautmann. Automated algorithm selection on continuous black-box problems by combining Exploratory Landscape Analysis and machine learning. Evol. Comput., (27)1:99--127, MIT Press, 2019. [PUMA: Automated algorithm analysis; black-box continuous exploratory landscape learning; machine optimization. optimization; selection; single-objective]

Pascal Kerschke, Holger H Hoos, Frank Neumann, and Heike Trautmann. Automated algorithm selection: Survey and perspectives. Evol. Comput., (27)1:3--45, MIT Press, 2019. [PUMA: Automated algorithm analysis; approaches; automated combinatorial configuration; continuous data exploratory feature-based landscape learning; machine metalearning optimisation; selection; streams.;]

Marie-Theres Huemer, Alina Bauer, Agnese Petrera, Markus Scholz, Stefanie M Hauck, Michael Drey, Annette Peters, and Barbara Thorand. Proteomic profiling of low muscle and high fat mass: a machine learning approach in the KORA S4/FF4 study. J. Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, (12)4:1011--1023, Wiley, August 2021. [PUMA: Appendicular Body Fat Machine Muscle Proteomics fat index; learning; mass mass; muscle skeletal]

Souhrid Mukherjee, Joy D Cogan, John H Newman, John A Phillips, 3rd, Rizwan Hamid, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Jens Meiler, and John A Capra. Identifying digenic disease genes via machine learning in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Am. J. Hum. Genet., (108)10:1946--1963, Elsevier BV, October 2021. [PUMA: Diseases Network; UDN; Undiagnosed clinical digenic disease disease; learning; machine oligogenic prediction; rare topic_lifescience]

Veronika Scholz, Peter Winkler, Andreas Hornig, Maik Gude, and Angelos Filippatos. Structural damage identification of composite rotors based on fully connected neural networks and convolutional neural networks. Sensors (Basel), (21)6:2005, MDPI AG, March 2021. [PUMA: (SHM) composite composites; connected convolutional dense fully health learning; machine monitoring networks; neural rotors; structural]

Mariia Tkachenko, Claire Chalopin, Boris Jansen-Winkeln, Thomas Neumuth, Ines Gockel, and Marianne Maktabi. Impact of pre- and post-processing steps for supervised classification of colorectal cancer in hyperspectral images. Cancers (Basel), (15)7April 2023. [PUMA: cancer cancer; classification; colorectal convolutional filter; hyperspectral imaging; learning; machine median networks; post-processing; pre-processing]

Praveen Vasudevan, Markus Wolfien, Heiko Lemcke, Cajetan Immanuel Lang, Anna Skorska, Ralf Gaebel, Anne-Marie Galow, Dirk Koczan, Tobias Lindner, Wendy Bergmann, Brigitte Mueller-Hilke, Brigitte Vollmar, Bernd Joachim Krause, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Gustav Steinhoff, and Robert David. CCR2 macrophage response determines the functional outcome following cardiomyocyte transplantation. Genome Med., (15)1:61, August 2023. [PUMA: Cell Immunocompromised; Machine Macrophages; Myocardial Single-cell infarction; learning; therapy; topic_lifescience]