
Cristian A. Velandia-Huerto, Ali M. Yazbeck, Jana Schor, and Peter F. Stadler. Evolution and Phylogeny of MicroRNAs — Protocols, Pitfalls, and Problems. miRNomics, 211–233, Springer US, February 2012. [PUMA: Evolution MicroRNAs Phylogeny Zno] URL

Franziska Reinhardt, Anette Kaiser, Simone Prömel, and Peter F. Stadler. Evolution of neuropeptide Y/RFamide-like receptors in nematodes. Heliyon, (10)14:e34473, Elsevier BV, July 2024. [PUMA: Evolution Y/RFamide-like Zno nematodes neuropeptide receptors] URL

Iuliia Ozerova, Jörg Fallmann, Mario Mörl, Matthias Bernt, Sonja J Prohaska, and Peter F Stadler. Aberrant Mitochondrial tRNA Genes Appear Frequently in Animal Evolution. In Selene Fernandez-Valverde (Eds.), Genome Biology and Evolution, (16)11Oxford University Press (OUP), October 2024. [PUMA: Aberrant Animal Appear Evolution Frequently Genes Mitochondrial tRNA xack] URL

Sonja J Prohaska, Sarah J Berkemer, Fabian Gärtner, Thomas Gatter, Nancy Retzlaff, Students of the Graphs and Biological Networks Lab 2017, Christian Höner Zu Siederdissen, and Peter F Stadler. Expansion of gene clusters, circular orders, and the shortest Hamiltonian path problem. J. Math. Biol., (77)2:313--341, August 2018. [PUMA: Evolution Hamiltonian Kalmanson Non-homologous Phylogenetic Unequal clusters; combinatorics; crossing gene metrics; of over path problems; recombination;]