
Sebastian Bischoff, Niklas Deckers, Marcel Schliebs, Ben Thies, Matthias Hagen, Efstathios Stamatatos, Benno Stein, und Martin Potthast. The Importance of Suppressing Domain Style in Authorship Analysis. CoRR, (abs/2005.14714)Mai 2020. [PUMA: Analysis Authorship Domain Importance Style Suppressing Zno] URL

Hope Woods, Dominic L Schiano, Jonathan I Aguirre, Kaitlyn V Ledwitch, Eli F McDonald, Markus Voehler, Jens Meiler, und Clara T Schoeder. Computational modeling and prediction of deletion mutants. Structure, (31)6:713--723.e3, Elsevier BV, Juni 2023. [PUMA: AlphaFold Deletion Modeling NMR Rosetta SAM Zno domain indel mutation]