
Waldemar Hahn, Najia Ahmadi, Katja Hoffmann, Jan-Niklas Eckardt, Martin Sedlmayr, and Markus Wolfien. Synthetic Data Generation in Hematology - Paving the Way for OMOP and FHIR Integration. Studies in health technology and informatics, (316):1472--1476, IOS Press, Amsterdam u. a., Aug 22, 2024. [PUMA: topic_lifescience Acute, Assessment, Care Electronic FIS_scads Health Hematology, Humans, Information Interoperability, Leukemia, Myeloid, Outcome Records,]

Lennart Schäpermeier, and Pascal Kerschke. Reinvestigating the R2 Indicator: Achieving Pareto Compliance by Integration. In Michael Affenzeller, Stephan M. Winkler, Anna V. Kononova, Thomas Bäck, Heike Trautmann, Tea Tusar, and Penousal Machado (Eds.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVIII, 202--216, Springer, Berlin u. a., Sep 7, 2024. [PUMA: topic_engineering Benchmarking, FIS_scads Multi-objective Pareto Performance R2 Utility assessment, compliance, functions indicator, optimization,]

Jana Riedel, and Julia Kleppsch. Wie bereit sind Studierende für die Nutzung von KI-Technologien? Eine Annäherung an die KI-Readiness Studierender im Kontext des Projektes "tech4comp". Waxmann : Münster ; New York, 2021. [PUMA: (Learning 370 Activities), Artificial Assessment, Bewertung, Bildungswesen, Deployment Digitale Education, Empirical Empirische Erziehung, Forschung, Higher Hochschule, Hochschullehre, Human Intelligenz, Judgement, Judgment, K\"{u}nstliche Learning Lernprozess, Male Medien, Medieneinsatz, Mediennutzung, Mensch, Nachteil, Project, Projects Projekt, Qualitative Schul- Student, Technologie, Technology, University Untersuchung, Use Utilisation Utilization Vergleich, Vorteil, being, education institute, intelligence, lecturing, media, of process, research student, study, teaching, und] URL