MutationExplorer: a webserver for mutation of proteins and 3D visualization of energetic impacts. Nucleic Acids Research, gkae301, Oxford University Press, 2024. [PUMA: topic_lifescience 3d mutation mutationexplorer proteins webserver]
A Data Driven Modelling Approach for the Strain Rate Dependent 3D Shear Deformation and Failure of Thermoplastic Fibre Reinforced Composites: Experimental Characterisation and Deriving Modelling Parameters. Journal of Composites Science, (6)10:318, MDPI, 2022. [PUMA: topic_engineering 3D Approach Characterisation Composites Data Deformation Dependent Driven Experimental Failure Fibre Modelling Rate Reinforced Shear Strain Thermoplastic]
SpheroScan: a user-friendly deep learning tool for spheroid image analysis. Gigascience, (12)Oxford University Press (OUP), Dezember 2022. [PUMA: topic_federatedlearn 3D Image Mask R-CNN; analysis; deep high-throughput image learning; screening; segmentation spheroids;]