
Jordan Richards, Raphaƫl Huser, Emanuele Bevacqua, and Jakob Zscheischler. Insights into the Drivers and Spatiotemporal Trends of Extreme Mediterranean Wildfires with Statistical Deep Learning. Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems, (2)4American Meteorological Society, October 2023. [PUMA: Extreme Mediterranean Learning Wildfires Spatiotemporal Trends Statistical Deep from:scadsfct] URL

Siavash Ghiasvand, and Florina M. Ciorba. Anomaly Detection in High Performance Computers: A Vicinity Perspective. 2019 18th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), 112--120, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2019. [PUMA: detection sensors, vicinity, Resource performance system, Correlation, components, exascale Graphics node system Bridges, failure architecture, processing units, HPC vicinity-based, computerised approach, hpc, privacy, myOwn anomaly approach from:ghiasvan statistical hardware, instrumentation, computing, management, high Hardware, computers, computing mechanism, prediction, detection, anonymized Computer analysis, Anomaly]