
Oliver Kirsten, Martin Bogdan, and Sophie Adama. Evaluating the DoC-Forest tool for Classifying the State of Consciousness in a Completely Locked-In Syndrome Patient. 2023 7th International Conference on Imaging, Signal Processing and Communications (ICISPC), 37-41, 2023. [PUMA: models Consciousness Prediction from:scadsfct Syndrome Predictive processing modeling Theory algorithms data learning Information Complexity Modeling Processing Machine Learning Neuroscience Training Measures Locked-In and Computational Signal]

Dustyn Eggers, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen, and Peter F. Stadler. Accuracy of RNA Structure Prediction Depends on the Pseudoknot Grammar. Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 20–31, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022. [PUMA: DependsPseudoknot RNA Prediction Grammar from:scadsfct Structure] URL

Lummy Maria Monteiro, Joao Saraiva, Rodolfo Toscan, Peter Stadler, Rafael Silva-Rocha, and Ulisses Nunes da Rocha. PredicTF: prediction of bacterial transcription factors in complex microbial communities using deep learning. Environmental Microbiome, (17)December 2022. [PUMA: microbialdeep bacterial PredicTF: transcription complex learning prediction from:scadsfct]