Chaonan Ji, Tonio Fincke, Vitus Benson, Gustau Camps-Valls, Miguel-Angel Fernandez-Torres, Fabian Gans, Guido Kraemer, Francesco Martinuzzi, David Montero, Karin Mora, Oscar J Pellicer-Valero, Claire Robin, Maximilian Soechting, Melanie Weynants, und Miguel D Mahecha.
DeepExtremeCubes: Integrating Earth system spatio-temporal data for impact assessment of climate extremes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.18179, 2024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Melanie Brandmeier, und Eya Cherif.
Taking the pulse of the Amazon rainforest by fusing multitemporal Sentinel 1 and 2 data for advanced deep-learning. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-3749, 2021.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Eya Cherif, Hannes Feilhauer, Katja Berger, Michael Ewald, Tobias B Hank, Kyle R Kovach, Philip A Townsend, Zhihui Wang, und Teja Kattenborn.
From spectra to functional plant traits: Transferable multi-trait models from heterogeneous and sparse data. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-10901, 2023.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Eya Cherif, Maximilian Hell, und Melanie Brandmeier.
DeepForest: Novel deep learning models for land use and land cover classification using multi-temporal and-modal sentinel data of the amazon basin. Remote Sensing, (14)19:5000, MDPI, 2022.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Melanie Brandmeier, Maximilian Hell, Eya Cherif, und Andreas Nüchter.
Synergetic use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for large-scale Land Use/Land Cover Mapping. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-4300, 2022.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Eya Cherif, Hannes Feilhauer, Katja Berger, Phuong D Dao, Michael Ewald, Tobias B Hank, Yuhong He, Kyle R Kovach, Bing Lu, Philip A Townsend, und Teja Kattenborn.
From spectra to plant functional traits: Transferable multi-trait models from heterogeneous and sparse data. Remote Sensing of Environment, (292):113580, Elsevier, 2023.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Clemens Mosig, Randy Bush, Cristel Pelsser, Thomas C Schmidt, und Matthias Wählisch.
Revisiting Recommended BGP Route Flap Damping Configurations. (5):22, 2021.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Teja Kattenborn, Clemens Mosig, Kc Pratima, Julian Frey, Oscar Perez-Priego, Felix Schiefer, Yan Cheng, Alastair Potts, Janusch Jehle, Mirko Mälicke, und Miguel Mahecha. - an open, dynamic database for accessing, contributing, analyzing, and visualizing remote sensing-based tree mortality data. EGU24-155022024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Yan Cheng, Stefan Oehmcke, Clemens Mosig, Beloiu Mirela, Teja Kattenborn, Christin Abel, Dimitri Gominski, Thomas Nord-Larsen, Rasmus Fensholt, und Stephanie Horion.
High-resolution mapping of tree mortality in European forests. EGU24-20213Copernicus Meetings, 2024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Jakobus Möhring, Clemens Mosig, Yan Cheng, Miguel Mahecha, Oscar Perez Priego, Mirela Beloiu, Michele Volpi, Stéphanie Horion, Hooman Latifi, Elham Shafeian, Fabian Fassnacht, David Montero, Katarzyna Zielewska-Büttner, Etienne Laliberté, Myriam Cloutier, Marie-Therese Schmehl, Annett Frick, Helene Müller-Landau, KC Cushman, Joseph Hupy, Qin Ma, Yanjun Su, Pratima Khatri-Chhetri, Stefan Kruse, Julian Frey, Felix Schiefer, Samuli Junttila, Alastair Potts, Andreas Uhl, Christian Rossi, und Teja Kattenborn.
Delineating Standing Deadwood in High-Resolution RGB Drone Imagery. EGU24-190252024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Martin Reinhardt, Karin Mora, Gunnar Brandt, Tejas Morbagal Harish, David Montero, Chaonan Ji, Teja Kattenborn, Francesco Martinuzzi, Clemens Mosig, und Miguel D Mahecha.
DeepFeatures: Remote sensing beyond spectral indices. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18852, 2024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Clemens Mosig, Janusch Vajna-Jehle, Miguel D Mahecha, Yan Cheng, Henrik Hartmann, David Montero, Samuli Junttila, Stephanie Horion, Mirela Beloiu Schwenke, Stephen Adu-Bredu, Djamil Al-Halbouni, Matthew Allen, Jan Altman, Claudia Angiolini, Rasmus Astrup, Caterina Barrasso, Harm Bartholomeus, Benjamin Brede, Allan Buras, Erik Carrieri, Gherardo Chirici, Myriam Cloutier, KC Cushman, James W Dalling, Jan Dempewolf, Martin Denter, Simon Ecke, Jana Eichel, Anette Eltner, Maximilian Fabi, Fabian Fassnacht, Matheus Pinheiro Feirreira, Julian Frey, Annett Frick, Selina Ganz, Matteo Garbarino, Milton Garcia, Matthias Gassilloud, Marziye Ghasemi, Francesca Giannetti, Roy Gonzalez, Carl Gosper, Konrad Greinwald, Stuart Grieve, Jesus Aguirre Gutierrez, Anna Goeritz, Peter Hajek, David Hedding, Jan Hempel, Melvin Hernandez, Marco Heurich, Eija Honkavaara, Tommaso Jucker, Jesse M Kalwij, Pratima Khatri-Chhetri, Hans-Joachim Klemmt, Niko Koivumaeki, Kirill Korznikov, Stefan Kruse, Robert Krueger, Etienne Laliberte, Liam Langan, Hooman Latifi, Jan Lehmann, Linyuan Li, Emily Lines, Javier Lopatin, Arko Lucieer, Marvin Ludwig, Antonia Ludwig, Paeivi Lyytikaeinen-Saarenmaa, Qin Ma, Giovanni Marino, Michael Maroschek, Fabio Meloni, Annette Menzel, Hanna Meyer, Mojdeh Miraki, Daniel Moreno-Fernandez, Helene C Muller-Landau, Mirko Maelicke, Jakobus Moehring, Jana Muellerova, Paul Neumeier, Roope Naesi, Lars Oppgenoorth, Melanie Palmer, Thomas Paul, Alastair Potts, Suzanne Prober, Stefano Puliti, Oscar Perez-Priego, Chris Reudenbach, Christian Rossi, Nadine Katrin Ruehr, Paloma Ruiz-Benito, Christian Mestre Runge, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Felix Schiefer, Jacob Schladebach, Marie-Therese Schmehl, Selina Schwarz, Rupert Seidl, Elham Shafeian, Leopoldo de Simone, Hormoz Sohrabi, Laura Sotomayor, Ben Sparrow, Benjamin SC Steer, Matt Stenson, Benjamin Stoeckigt, Yanjun Su, Juha Suomalainen, Michele Torresani, Josefine Umlauft, Nicolas Vargas-Ramirez, Michele Volpi, Vicente Vasquez, Ben Weinstein, Tagle Casapia Ximena, Katherine Zdunic, Katarzyna Zielewska-Buettner, Raquel Alves de Oliveira, Liz van Wagtendonk, Vincent von Dosky, und Teja Kattenborn.
deadtrees. earth-An Open-Access and Interactive Database for Centimeter-Scale Aerial Imagery to Uncover Global Tree Mortality Dynamics. bioRxiv, 2024.10. 18.619094, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Caitlin Gray, Clemens Mosig, Randy Bush, Cristel Pelsser, Matthew Roughan, Thomas C Schmidt, und Matthias Wahlisch.
BGP Beacons, Network Tomography, and Bayesian Computation to Locate Route Flap Damping. 492-505, 2020.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Clemens Mosig, Miguel Mahecha, David Montero, Yan Cheng, Oscar Perez Priego, Mirela Beloiu, Michele Volpi, Stéphanie Horion, Hooman Latifi, Elham Shafeian, Fabian Fassnacht, Selina Ganz, Katarzyna Zielewska-Büttner, Etienne Laliberté, Myriam Cloutier, Marie-Therese Schmehl, Annett Frick, Helene Müller-Landau, KC Cushman, Joseph Hupy, Qin Ma, Yanjun Su, Pratima Khatri-Chhetri, Stefan Kruse, Julian Frey, Felix Schiefer, Samuli Junttila, Alastair Potts, Andreas Uhl, Christian Rossi, und Tej Kattenborn.
Mapping Tree Mortality at Global Scale Using Sentinel-2. EGU24-182302024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
David Montero, Miguel D Mahecha, César Aybar, Clemens Mosig, und Sebastian Wieneke.
Facilitating advanced Sentinel-2 analysis through a simplified computation of Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.15812, 2024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Nico Eisenhauer, Karin Frank, Alexandra Weigelt, Bartosz Bartkowski, Rémy Beugnon, Katja Liebal, Miguel Mahecha, Martin Quaas, Djamil Al-Halbouni, Ana Bastos, und others.
A belowground perspective on the nexus between biodiversity change, climate change, and human well-being. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, (3)2:e212108, 2024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Jana Roth, Karin Mora, Djamil Al-Halbouni, Ronny Richter, Teja Kattenborn, Sebastian Johannes Wieneke, Ana Bastos, Alexandra Weigelt, Christian Wirth, und Josefine Umlauft.
How trees sway and what it tells us about their overall vitality. 2024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Julia Peters, Anja Neumann, Marco Jaeger, Lukas Gienapp, und Josefine Umlauft.
ml4xcube: Machine Learning Toolkits for Earth System Data Cubes. EarthArXiv, 2024.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Hans von Suchodoletz, Christoph Zielhofer, Silvan Hoth, Josefine Umlauft, Birgit Schneider, Christian Zeeden, Lasha Sukhishvili, und Dominik Faust.
North Atlantic influence on Holocene flooding in the southern Greater Caucasus. The Holocene, (28)4:609--620, SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England, 2018.
imported topic_earthenvironment]
Robert Bussert, Horst Kämpf, Christina Flechsig, Katja Hesse, Tobias Nickschick, Qi Liu, Josefine Umlauft, Tomás Vylita, Dirk Wagner, Thomas Wonik, und others.
Drilling into an active mofette: pilot-hole study of the impact of CO 2-rich mantle-derived fluids on the geo--bio interaction in the western Eger Rift (Czech Republic). Scientific Drilling, (23):13--27, Copernicus Publications Göttingen, Germany, 2017.
imported topic_earthenvironment]