
Carlotta Ficorella, Hannah Marie Eichholz, Federico Sala, Rebeca Martínez Vázquez, Roberto Osellame, and Josef A Käs. Intermediate filaments ensure resiliency of single carcinoma cells, while active contractility of the actin cortex determines their invasive potential. New Journal of Physics, (23)8:083028, IOP Publishing, 2021. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

HM Scholz-Marggraf, S Fritzsche, VG Serbo, A Afanasev, and A Surzhykov. Absorption of twisted light by hydrogenlike atoms. Physical Review A, (90)1:013425, American Physical Society, 2014. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Jonathan Wider, Jakob Kruse, Nils Weitzel, Janica C Bühler, Ullrich Köthe, and Kira Rehfeld. Towards learned emulation of interannual water isotopologue variations in General Circulation Models. Environmental Data Science, (2):e35, Cambridge University Press, 2023. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Kira Rehfeld, Jonathan Wider, Nadine Theisen, Martin Werner, Ullrich Köthe, and Nils Weitzel. The potential of machine learning for modeling spatio-temporal properties of water isotopologue distributions in precipitation. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-2979, 2021. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Olivier C Pasche, Jonathan Wider, Zhongwei Zhang, Jakob Zscheischler, and Sebastian Engelke. Validating Deep-Learning Weather Forecast Models on Recent High-Impact Extreme Events. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17652, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Chris Rackauckas, Maja Gwozdz, Anand Jain, Yingbo Ma, Francesco Martinuzzi, Utkarsh Rajput, Elliot Saba, Viral B Shah, Ranjan Anantharaman, Alan Edelman, Shashi Gowda, Avik Pal, and Chris Laughman. Composing modeling and simulation with machine learning in Julia. 1-17, IEEE, 2022. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Tom Eivind Glover, Ruben Jahren, Francesco Martinuzzi, Pedro Gonçalves Lind, and Stefano Nichele. A Sensitivity Analysis of Cellular Automata and Heterogeneous Topology Networks: Partially-Local Cellular Automata and Homogeneous Homogeneous Random Boolean Networks. arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2407.18017, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Francesco Martinuzzi, Miguel D Mahecha, David Montero, Lazaro Alonso, and Karin Mora. SpectralIndices. jl: Streamlining spectral indices access and computation for Earth system research. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, (48):89-95, Copernicus GmbH, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Francesco Martinuzzi, Miguel D Mahecha, Gustau Camps-Valls, David Montero, Tristan Williams, and Karin Mora. Learning extreme vegetation response to climate drivers with recurrent neural networks. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, (31)4:535-557, Copernicus Publications, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

David Montero, Miguel D Mahecha, Francesco Martinuzzi, César Aybar, Anne Klosterhalfen, Alexander Knohl, Franziska Koebsch, Jesús Anaya, and Sebastian Wieneke. Recurrent Neural Networks for Modelling Gross Primary Production. 4214-4217, IEEE, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Ranjan Anantharaman, Anas Abdelrehim, Francesco Martinuzzi, Sharan Yalburgi, Elliot Saba, Keno Fischer, Glen Hertz, Pepijn de Vos, Chris Laughman, Yingbo Ma, Viral Shah, Alan Edelman, and Chris Rackauckas. Composable and reusable neural surrogates to predict system response of causal model components. 2021. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Gustau Camps-Valls, Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres, Kai-Hendrik Cohrs, Adrian Höhl, Andrea Castelletti, Aytac Pacal, Claire Robin, Francesco Martinuzzi, Ioannis Papoutsis, Ioannis Prapas, Jorge Pérez-Aracil, Katja Weigel, Maria Gonzalez-Calabuig, Markus Reichstein, Martin Rabel, Matteo Giuliani, Miguel Mahecha, Oana-Iuliana Popescu, Oscar J Pellicer-Valero, Said Ouala, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Sebastian Sippel, Spyros Kondylatos, Tamara Happé, and Tristan Williams. AI for Extreme Event Modeling and Understanding: Methodologies and Challenges. 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Francesco Martinuzzi, Miguel D Mahecha, Gustau Camps-Valls, David Montero, Tristan Williams, and Karin Mora. Impact Predictability: Exploring Extremes in Biosphere Dynamics with Recurrent Neural Networks. EGU24-9569Copernicus Meetings, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

D Montero, G Kraemer, A Anghelea, CA Camacho, G Brandt, G Camps-Valls, F Cremer, I Flik, F Gans, S Habershon, C Ji, T Kattenborn, L Martínez-Ferrer, F Martinuzzi, M Reinhardt, M Söchting, K Teber, and M Mahecha. Data cubes for earth system research: Challenges ahead. EarthArXiv (California Digital Library), 2023. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

David Montero, César Aybar, Miguel D Mahecha, Francesco Martinuzzi, Maximilian Söchting, and Sebastian Wieneke. A standardized catalogue of spectral indices to advance the use of remote sensing in Earth system research. Scientific Data, (10)1:1-20, Nature Publishing Group, 2023. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

David Montero, Miguel D Mahecha, Francesco Martinuzzi, César Aybar, Anne Klosterhalfen, Alexander Knohl, Franziska Koebsch, Jesús Anaya, and Sebastian Wieneke. Estimating Gross Primary Production via Recurrent Neural Networks: A comparative analysis. EGU24-6773Copernicus Meetings, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Francesco Martinuzzi, Chris Rackauckas, Anas Abdelrehim, Miguel D Mahecha, and Karin Mora. ReservoirComputing. jl: An efficient and modular library for reservoir computing models. Journal of Machine Learning Research, (23)288:1-8, 2022. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Tristan Williams, Francesco Martinuzzi, Gustau Camps-Valls, and Miguel D Mahecha. Evaluating Forest Resilience in Europe with Deep Learning Persistence Analysis. EGU24-20805Copernicus Meetings, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

Tom Eivind Glover, Ruben Jahren, Francesco Martinuzzi, Pedro Gonçalves Lind, and Stefano Nichele. A sensitivity analysis of cellular automata and heterogeneous topology networks: partially-local cellular automata and homogeneous homogeneous random boolean networks. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 1-41, Taylor & Francis, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]

David Montero, Guido Kraemer, Anca Anghelea, César Aybar, Gunnar Brandt, Gustau Camps-Valls, Felix Cremer, Ida Flik, Fabian Gans, Sarah Habershon, Chaonan Ji, Teja Kattenborn, Laura Martínez-Ferrer, Francesco Martinuzzi, Martin Reinhardt, Maximilian Söchting, Khalil Teber, and Miguel D Mahecha. Earth System Data Cubes: Avenues for advancing Earth system research. arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.02348, 2024. [PUMA: imported topic_earthenvironment]