
Siavash Ghiasvand, und Florina M. Ciorba. Anomaly Detection in High Performance Computers: A Vicinity Perspective. 2019 18th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), 112--120, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Juni 2019. [PUMA: Anomaly Bridges, Computer Correlation, Graphics HPC Hardware, Resource analysis, anomaly anonymized approach approach, architecture, components, computerised computers, computing computing, detection detection, exascale failure hardware, high hpc, instrumentation, management, mechanism, myOwn node performance prediction, privacy, processing sensors, statistical system system, units, vicinity, vicinity-based,]

Siavash Ghiasvand, und Florina M. Ciorba. Assessing Data Usefulness for Failure Analysis in Anonymized System Logs. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), 164--171, Geneva, Switzerland, Juni 2018. [PUMA: Data Distributed Encoding, Encryption, High Measurement, Privacy, analysis, anonymization, behavior computing, databases, detection, dissertation encoding, failure high myOwn performance privacy, usefulness,]